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Report on Activities 2017- 2018


In 2017-2018, MYAN has continued its role as the national voice on multicultural youth issues, in policy and advocacy, research, sector development, youth leadership and sharing our expertise in policy and programming in the international arena.

MYAN’s first national conference was held in November 2017 in partnership with the University of Melbourne Youth Studies Centre. We continued our role supporting the Youth Transitions Support (YTS) services through a national Community of Practice, and developed new tools and resources to support a targeted approach in policy and service delivery. Our Youth Ambassadors Network (YAN) has been active in a range of settings, engaging with decision-makers at the national level and once again, we supported a young person to participate in the annual UNHCR NGO Consultations in Geneva, Switzerland.

We have also trialed a combination of strategic communication channels to support and promote the goals and work of MYAN and its partners, creating safe, engaging and informative digital spaces for young people and those who work with them. We look forward to launching our new website in 2018-2019.

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