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National Education Consultation

Exploring solutions to educational issues impacting students from refugee and migrant backgrounds

MYAN and Foundation House are hosting a national consultation to identify solutions to key issues impacting the education and wellbeing of students from migrant and refugee backgrounds in primary and secondary schools across Australia. 

 We would like to invite young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds and those working in the youth, education, settlement, and migration sectors  to join us to discuss national education policy issues and identify practical recommendations for inclusion in a national election statement to advocate to the major Australian political parties.

Due to the likelihood of a federal election being called later in 2021, the election statement will provide a platform for advocacy at the national level for policy improvements that support greater accessibility and responsiveness of educational systems in relation to students and families from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

The election statement will outline a number of priority issues decided by the National Education Roundtable Steering Committee, with detailed recommendations targeting key portfolios/ministers within the Australian Federal Government, the Federal Opposition and other major political parties. Recommendations will be developed at the national consultation. 

Using the National Education Roundtable- Briefing paper 
as a guide, the committee has identified 6 key national issues for discussion:
·         Racism and discrimination
·         Funding
·         Data quality and evidence base
·         Workforce
·         Digital divide
·         Longer term COVID implications

Our keynote speaker

We are delighted to have Prof. Emeritus Joseph Camilleri (OAM) joining us as keynote speaker

Joseph CAMILLERI is Emeritus Professor at La Trobe University, a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Social Sciences, and Managing Director of Alexandria Agenda, a new venture in ethical consulting offering services in diversity, education and governance. He has researched and lectured at universities in many countries, and given evidence to government and other enquiries on issues of governance, human rights, cultural and religious dialogue, development, environment, and security. He is the recipient of several awards, including the Order of Australia Medal and the Premier’s Award for Community Harmony.

He is presently associated with a major new initiative Conversation at the Crossroads committed to fostering an informed national/global conversation on the critical issues of our time.  . 
Who are we and Why the National Education Roundtable?

Co-chaired by MYAN and Foundation House, the Roundtable is a national, cross-sector group that meets regularly to discuss (i) how primary and secondary school students from refugee and migrant backgrounds are faring (ii) how schools can best support them to achieve their potential, and (iii) ways to conduct educational research and engage in advocacy to achieve the goals. The Roundtable includes representatives from states and territories and a range of sectors, including academia, policy, and settlement services.

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We look forward to seeing you on the 30th of November!

The MYAN team
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