2017 MYAN National Conference – Promo 2 Final (02112017) (copy 02)

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L-R: On set - David Corlett with Ziagual Sultani and Magda Mohamed Gamara

Premiere screening
MYAN has partnered with acclaimed filmmaker and host of SBS's award-winning Go Back To Where You Came From, David Corlett to produce a short documentary featuring diverse stories of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

We are excited to announce the premiere screening at the MYAN Conference. Book your tickets to see it first!
Be the first to hear findings from a pioneering report from CSIRO Data61 - commissioned by MYAN & VicHealth, exploring megatrends for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds in Australia.
Join vibrant discussions on shaping Australia's multicultural future with youth workers, settlement workers, young people, policymakers, academics & leading experts from Europe, Australia and New Zealand. 

Applications are now open
for 5 scholarships available to young people seeking asylum in Australia (aged 18-25) to attend the MYAN National Conference. 

The scholarships are for young advocates and emerging leaders and will be invaluable opportunity to participate in all sessions, join the conversations and network with conference speakers and delegates. 
Applications close: 12pm Wednesday 8th November.

For more information email nationalconference@myan.org.au 
Meet some of the high calibre speakers joining us:
Shabnam Safa will share her views on human rights, civic engagement and global citizenship. Shabnam has represented Australia at the UN and will speak from local and international experience in not-for-profits.
Dr Alexandra Leipold will be joining us all the way from Europe to share how Germany is strengthening engagement in education and employment for young migrants and refugees. 
Amna Karra-Hassan will bring her dynamic experience in advocacy, employment and sport, which she uses to change the conversation on gender, culture, faith and representation.

Sen. Hon Zed Seslja, Assistant Minister for Social Services and Multicultural Affairs, will share informed perspectives as a policymaker and second generation migrant. 
Arash Bordbar will join us as a young leader and advocate, working at the local, regional and international levels. Arash was awarded the 2016 Young People Human Rights Medal for his broad and passionate work in advocacy.
Dr Claire Naughtin, Research Scientist at CSIRO's Data61, will be presenting findings from a new report commissioned by MYAN & VicHealth exploring megatrends impacting on young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.
Find out more about the conference at the MYAN website
Follow us on Twitter for updates and join our MYAN National Conference event page 
Hosted by MYAN Australia in partnership with the University of Melbourne.
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