Achievements Report 2019-20 and changes at MYAN in 2021

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Achievements Report 2019-2020
 Change in Leadership at MYAN

2020 has been an extraordinary year.
We’ve all faced unprecedented challenges. However, there has been an incredible response to these challenges from young people and the sector in diverse and inspiring ways. 
Young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds played vital roles in keeping their communities and families safe, connected, and informed, and many shared their expertise and unique perspectives via MYAN’s projects and events. The young people we work with continue to show extraordinary leadership, insight, and initiative. 
The youth and settlement sectors across Australia also responded tremendously to the challenges of 2020 - with rapid and creative adaptation! Motivated by ensuring that young people could continue to access the support they needed amidst unprecedented disruptions, they came together to support each other and share their practice through MYAN’s national sector meetings, consultations, reports, resource sharing and more. 

MYAN is really excited to share with you all our latest Achievements Report. This is a snapshot of our work in 2019-2020, including our responses to COVID-19.

MYAN's Achievements Report 2019-2020
Change in Leadership at MYAN
Message from Carmel Guerra, MYAN Chair

After 14 years Nadine Liddy will be stepping down from her role as National Manager at MYAN in March 2021. Nadine has been central to MYAN’s success, establishing the national network and leading MYAN’s development and operations as Australia’s national peak body since it was formed.

She will be deeply missed by all of us in the MYAN family across the country, and we wish her all the very best in her new endeavours. But it’s not quite farewell yet - we will share further updates in 2021 but have made this important announcement as the recruitment process has begun.

A link to the advertisement is below.
MYAN National Manager - Position Description and Application Form
From us all at MYAN and on behalf of the MYAN Governance Group and state and territory partners, thank-you for your support and partnership during this extraordinary year.

I wish you a safe and restful festive season.

Carmel Guerra
Chair MYAN Australia
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