AGM- Australian Youth Affairs Coalition


Dear Colleagues,

We hope that you are well.

This is a reminder to attend our Annual General Meeting this Wednesday
9 December 2020
 (1 pm in WA, 2.30 pm in NT, 3 pm in QLD, 3.30 pm in SA, and 4 pm in NSW, Victoria, ACT, and Tasmania).

Please join us in an important opportunity to reflect on the events and achievements of the last 12 months.

We ask that you register your attendance so that we can record your attendance for the minutes, establish a quorum for the meeting and meet our reporting obligations. 

The Youth Affairs Council of Victoria will be our hosts and the meeting will be held virtually through Zoom. Register in advance for this meeting: 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. 

Please feel free to contact us or other Board members if you have any questions about the above/would like to discuss further.

We look forward to seeing you there. 
Warm regards,
Nadine Liddy & James McDougall
Interim Co-Chairs

James McDougall –
Phone – 0419 243 179
Nadine Liddy –
Phone – 0437 897 178

Register here

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