AIFS Webinar (March 2017)


Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network 

In case you missed it:

Child Family Community Australia Webinar

Supporting young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds

Nadine Liddy, Heather Stewart and John De Maio

Thursday 23 March 2017, 1.30pm - 2.30pm AEDT.
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This webinar will bring together research, policy and practice perspectives to discuss how to best support young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.
Young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds have enormous potential, but face a range of particular challenges. Recognising this, MYAN Australia launched the National Youth Settlement Framework in 2016 to facilitate a targeted approach to supporting and measuring good practice with young people in the settlement context.
This webinar will discuss the implementation of the framework, and provide examples of community based initiatives and practical strategies for supporting young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. Recent findings from Building a New Life in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Humanitarian Migrants will also be presented.

This webinar is being hosted by  Children Family Community Australia, Australian Institute of Family Studies.
For more information visit the CFCA website.

About the presenters

Nadine Liddy Heather Stewart John De Maio
Nadine Liddy is the National Coordinator of the Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (MYAN Australia). Nadine has a background in service delivery and program management with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds and has worked extensively in policy, advocacy and sector development. Nadine has also worked in the international context, undertaking research and advocacy on refugee and asylum seeker issues and supporting youth engagement in regional and global opportunities.

Heather Stewart worked at the Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY) for over 7 years, managing a range of programs that support migrant and refugee young people. These included the Newly Arrived Specialist Reconnect service that supported young people at risk of family breakdown, and the My Family project that explored how family services could better support CaLD families parenting adolescents. Heather has also worked at the Youth Affairs Council of Victoria and as an academic teaching youth work.

John De Maio is a Research Fellow at the Australian Institute of Family Studies. Since 2013 he has undertaken research examining the settlement experiences of recent humanitarian migrants as part of Building a New Life in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Humanitarian Migrants. John has also evaluated family law programs aiming to improve collaboration between family law service organisations, and assist parents resolve post-separation parenting arrangements in the context of alleged family violence

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