AMEP Discussion Paper 2020

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How can the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) better support young people? 
MYAN is pleased to share with you our discussion paper:
How can the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) better support English language learning for young people?
MYAN prepared this discussion paper in consultation with AMEP and settlement service providers. It highlights the importance of a taking a youth focussed approach to English language classes, and provides guidance on how this can be achieved - in order to strengthen the responsiveness of AMEP to the young people in the program.

This paper includes:
  • Key findings from:
    • MYAN consultations with government, AMEP providers and other sector representatives held in late 2019 and 2020, including meetings specifically in response to COVID-19
  • Good practice case examples from across the country, and
  • Recommendations for Government, as they consider the future directions of the program.
MYAN welcomed changes to the AMEP recently announced by Acting Immigration Minister Alan Tudge – in particular the removal of time limits for enrolment and completion, including lifting a cap on 510 class hours and removing the five year time limit on eligibility and a new emphasis on ‘vocational’ rather than just ‘functional’ English.

Read MYAN's media release on the recent AMEP changes.
MYAN supports greater flexibility within English language programs as essential to respond to the varying needs and skills of young people, both in terms of teaching and learning styles, and in terms of the eligibility period for AMEP tuition. We will continue to engage with Government as it considers future improvements to the program.
Read MYAN's AMEP Discussion Paper
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