April 2022 eNews

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Welcome to MYAN’s April eNews!

It’s been another few busy months for MYAN with a range of exciting initiatives across our youth leadership team, and a focus on the upcoming Federal Election.

We’re excited to announce our team at MYAN is growing, having recently welcomed Sen Toyotoshi, Kate Yeun and Hiruni Walimunige to the team. They will be supporting MYAN with a number of key projects.

We are also currently recruiting for our new Youth Ambassador’s Network (YAN) 2022. Supported through MYAN and our state and territory partners, YAN members are emerging leaders and active advocates who work alongside MYAN to influence the national agenda for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. We're excited to introduce our new YAN to you soon!

Scroll down to read about MYAN’s Federal Election Policy Platform, news from our young leaders, updates for CALD communities regarding COVID-19 vaccines, and opportunities for young people.

MYAN’s 2022 Federal Election Policy Platform

Ahead of the 2022 Federal Election, MYAN has launched its Election Policy Platform outlining the key issues that require immediate action from an incoming government.

Investing in young people to shape a better future is the focus of our platform. Targeted investment in young people is critical for Australia’s prosperity. Against a backdrop of unprecedented social and economic upheaval, this is a crucial time to work with young people to install a vision of a future that they feel hopeful and confident in.

MYAN is calling on the next government to take action in the following areas: Youth Representation, Humanitarian/Migration Program, Education, Employment & Income Support, Mental Health, Racism & Social Cohesion, and Digital Safety.  

Read MYAN’s Election Policy Platform.

Monash World Youth Café

As a part of The Youth Citizenship Project, MYAN along with the Faculty of Education at Monash University is conducting A YOUTH WORLD CAFE on ‘Diverse youth perspectives on community, belonging, and citizenship’.
This project seeks to understand how diverse Australian youth define ‘citizenship’ for themselves through membership in communities that foster belonging, inclusion, and resilience.

If you are a young person (18-25 years) from a refugee/migrant and interested in speaking to like-minded people about citizenship, then
click here to register .

The Café will be held on Tuesday, 10 May 2022 from 6:30-8 pm (Melbourne time) online.
All the participants will be reimbursed for their time.

Read more details here or write to Marc Pruyn or Ellie Mohammadi Foomani.
Call for Arabic speaking youth (18 to 30 yrs old) residing in Australia for Online Consultation

MYAN in collaboration with Fecca and Sax Institute, is conducting community consultations among Arabic speaking youth (18 to 30 years old) in Australia to contribute to the National Health Literacy Strategy which focuses on preventive health. 

The Online Consultation will be 2 hours and will be facilitated by a young leader at MYAN.

To know more and apply click here.

Sign up for MYAN COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Consultation

MYAN in collaboration with the Australian Department of Health is conducting multiple consultations to help the government with COVID-19 vaccine booster rollout for the multicultural communities.

If you are a youth aged 18-30 years from South Australia, Tasmania or Queensland, you can be part of the consultation and contribute to the planning of communication resources.

Click on the links below to register for the consultation in your state of residency.

Online- South Australia consultation

Online Tasmania consultation

Online Queensland consultation

Online Art Contest for Kids
Young kids are agents of change, often taking the lead in responding to societal challenges. On the occasion of World Art Day on 16th April 2022 and World Immunisation Week from 24th to 30th April 2022, MYAN, with the support of the Australian Department of Health called on young kids Australia-wide, to share their unique perspectives and creative ideas on the theme: "Vaccines are important because....?"

MYAN received more than 30 submissions
 from diverse young artists across Australia.

Click on the links to watch our award winning submissions by our wonderful young artists!

News from Young Leaders at MYAN
MYAN’s Youth In The Media during Cultural Diversity Week
On Cultural Diversity week 2022, YAN members including Chanceline Kakule (SA YAN), Mary Harm (QLD YAN) and Domina Augustine (NSW YAN) brought forth voices on multiculturalism, story telling and inclusiveness which was featured on SBS Learn as Towards an inclusive ‘us’.

Read the SBS article feature
Read the individual pieces from our YAN members.

During Cultural Diversity Week 2022, our YAN members including Chanceline Kakule (SA YAN), Mary Harm (QLD YAN) and Domina Augustine (NSW YAN) brought forth voices on multiculturalism, story telling and inclusiveness which was featured on SBS Learn as Towards an inclusive ‘us’.

Read the SBS article feature
Read the individual pieces from our YAN members.

Youth CaLD Disability Collective’s Submission to Disability Royal Commission
MYAN's Youth Cald Disability Collective (YCDC) members believe that Australia needs to “ensure support provided (e.g. through NDIS) is appropriate and responsive to young people from Cald backgrounds with a disability within the context of their family lives and cultural community events”.  The YCDC recently made a submission to the Disability Royal Commission which included visual notes, a video recording and written notes to support their submission. They also made recommendations about: family, community and identity, education, employment, representation in the media, service provision, and advocacy organizations, inclusion and accessibility, COVID-19; co-design, universal design and youth participation.

The YCDC want to share that “disability is fluid and all our policies need to recognise that.”
Recruitment of new YCDC members-welcome Mac and Rahim!
Recently the YCDC recruited new members to promote awareness amongst community members, peers, service providers, government and relevant sectors, and come together to discuss strengths, issues and concerns within the community and amongst peers.

Mac Zamani (VIC)

Mac, is 18 years old and in year 12. He loves reading and being in nature. Outside of school he spares his time working along organisations to improve accessibility, inclusivity and outcomes for both LGBTQIA+ and Disabled young people. He is passionate about making sure youth voices and perspectives are shared and valued.

Rahim Mohammadi (QLD)

Rahim, who is from Iran/Afghanistan, arrived in Australia in 2003 as a refugee. Currently he is studying Nursing and Psychology at Queensland University of Technology.

He loves poetry and is very passionate about mental health and disability, and aims to advocate for these issues. He aims to use his experiences and knowledge for the best of the community and hopes to never stop learning and growing.

YAN achievements
Chanceline Kakule nominated as the 2022 Woman of the Year nominee. 

Chanceline Kakule, MYAN's South Australian Youth Ambassador has been nominated as the 2022 Woman of the Year nominee. She comes from a refugee background and currently a nursing, psychology and criminology student who is passionate about giving back to the community. She communicates around the issue of racism through E-raced, which has been a stepping stone to minimizing stories of  racism.

Click here to read about the nominees

 Zahra Al Hilaly, Winner of  2022 Western Australian Multicultural Awards

Zahra Al Hilaly, currently the West Australian Ambassador to Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network of Australia has been declared as the Winner of  2022 Western Australian Multicultural Awards. With a migrant and refugee background from Palestine and Iraq, Zahra is a 21-year-old law and journalism student who is a local, national and international advocate for gender equality and equitable representation within leadership and refugee settlement. Zahra has also served twice as the State Youth Ambassador for WA.

Read more

State & Territory Opportunities
New South Wales
National Leadership Opportunity and Camp

Burn Bright’s National Leadership Camp to be held on 7th - 10th July 2022 in Sydney is an interactive, challenging and motivating program that brings together students from across Australia. The program focuses on developing personal character and a sense of value, identity and purpose whilst also enhancing leadership and character resiliency skills.

Over four days, the camp will delve into values, service, grit and vision to enable leadership growth and development. 

Click here for more information and to nominate


COVID-19 Vaccines Multicultural Outreach- Stakeholder Pack- March 2022

The Department of Health is committed to making information about COVID-19 vaccines available to everyone in Australia, including culturally and linguistically diverse communities. This stakeholder pack includes translated communication resources on the latest COVID-19 vaccine information.
AYAC Election Guide

The AYAC Election Guide is an online resource with everything you need to make a difference at the upcoming federal election. The guide has articles on enrolling to vote, meeting candidates and how you can share what matters to you.

Find out more here

Supporting multicultural youth with tax and super – listen to the ATO’s in-language podcast
Getting started in the workforce or entering tertiary study after secondary school can be both exciting and daunting. To help multicultural youth navigate through taxation techniques and steps successfully, the Australian Tax Office (ATO) has released a new in-language podcast episode-Tax and super basics for youth.

This episode has important information about preparing for your first job, the basics about tax and superannuation and for those doing further study, information on student loans.

 The podcast is available in Arabic, Korean, Mandarin and Vietnamese on the ATO website, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher and Spotify.

Mission Australia's 2022 Youth Survey now open

Young people aged 15 to 19 are being encouraged to take part in 2022 Mission Australia's Youth Survey to share their thoughts on key issues like impacts from COVID-19, climate change and housing insecurity, work and study barriers, and mental health concerns. The Youth Survey sees young Australians provide crucial insights into their aspirations, experiences, concerns, and barriers to achieving goals that could  inform government and non-government organisations to design and deliver policies, initiatives and services that could positively  impact young people's lives.

The Survey is open until August 12, 2022 to all young people (15-19 years old) who are living in Australia.
To take part, visit Mission Australia website.

FREE therapy services to children, young people and adults

The ACAP Psychology Clinic has organised FREE therapy services to children, young people and adults. These include individual counseling, casework, therapy and groups (Children’s Art for Happiness Workshop; Social Anxiety Groups (both adolescent and adult); Self Compassion Groups (both adolescent and adult); Mindfulness Group; and Compassion Mindfulness Training.

No referral or Medicare is required.
To book, refer, or for more information, visit
their website or call (02) 8236 8070.

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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700


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