April eNews (copy 01)

E-NEWSLETTER Multicultural youth advocacy network (Australia) 
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Welcome to MYAN's April eNews! This month's edition brings you the release of the 2017 MYAN National Conference Snapshot, announcement of the 2018 Refugee Youth Leadership Scholarship recipient, a catch up on our national Youth Employment Consultations, an update on the Global Compact on Refugees, features from the latest media stories, opportunities, and  useful resources.
2017 MYAN National Conference Snapshot

We are excited to release a snapshot report from MYAN's National Conference in November 2017. 

Held in partnership with the University of Melbourne, Graduate School of Education, the conference was designed to investigate how research, policy and practice can best respond to the experiences of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds in the context of global challenges. Over two days, delegates and speakers from across Australia and abroad came together to share expertise, deliberate solutions and plan a new agenda for future practice and policy. 

Thanks once again to delegates and panellists for their contributions to a dynamic and successful event. 

National News

Congratulations to Shabnam Safa!

Shabnam Safa has been selected as MYAN's 2018 Refugee Youth International Leadership Scholarship recipient. Shabnam will join the Australian delegation at the annual consultations between the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Geneva, Switzerland in June 2018 and a range of other high level advocacy meetings. The selection process was highly competitive, with a large pool of high calibre applicants, and we thank all those who prepared an EOI.
Originally from Afghanistan, Shabnam has a range of experience in advocacy on issues for young refugees and asylum seekers and promoting global citizenship. She has also co-founded two not-for-profit organisations helping newly arrived refugees and migrants in Australia and abroad. 

MYAN looks forward to working with Shabnam as we plan for our work in Geneva, at the Consultations and beyond.  Congratulations, Shabnam! 

National Youth Employment Consultations

MYAN and its partners across the country have been busy hearing from young people on their experiences of finding employment in Australia. Consultations have been held across the country and co-facilitated by MYAN Youth Ambassadors. 

These consultations, along with two national sector consultations conducted in 2017, and findings from MYAN's national conference, will directly inform a policy paper by MYAN Australia looking at employment for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. The policy paper will be released in the coming months, so stay tuned! 

In the meantime, the consultations are already  making waves within the sector, with Magda Gamar, MYAN TAS Youth Ambassador, presenting findings from the MYAN TAS consultation at the Welcoming Cities Symposium
 in Adelaide in March. Magda spoke on the key challenges faced by young people in finding employment in Tasmania and the importance of engaging young people in shaping policy and practice. 

DIGI Engage 2018

Nadine Liddy, MYAN National Coordinator, and Mehak Sheikh, MYAN Youth Leadership Officer, recently ran a workshop on leadership at DIGI Engage 2018 in Sydney, a regional ASEAN youth summit on challenging dangerous online narratives. MYAN Youth Ambassadors Narayan Khanal and Arash Bordbar, were also selectedto attend – joining 100 young people from across Australia and Asia coming together to discuss how young people can ensure online
environments are empowering, respectful and reflect the diversity of our society. 
Watch this video to find out more about DIGI Engage.

International News

Youth rights in the Global Compact on Refugees 

MYAN has recently released a response to Draft 1 of the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) and has endorsed a position paper from the Compact for Young People in Humanitarian Action - Recommendations on youth in the Global Compact on Refugees. This position paper was co-drafted by MYAN and Mercy Corps, with input from the Compact membership and has been endorsed by the Compact membership as well as UNHCR's Global Youth Advisory Group.

Both papers call for recognition of the particular rights, needs and capabilities of young people to be better reflected in the GCR. This includes commitments to facilitating their meaningful engagement in solutions and to youth-specific policy and programming. Following the  New York Declaration in 2016, the drafting of the GCR is currently underway, with a series of consultations occurring throughout 2018. The final GCR will be released at the United Nations General Assembly in September 2018. Read more about the GCR here.

In the media 

Reappointment of National Children's Commissioner and release of Children's Rights report 

MYAN warmly welcomes the reappointment of Megan Mitchell to the position of National Children's Commissioner. MYAN highly values the work of the Commissioner, and we look forward to continuing to support her work in applying the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) to practice in Australia.

The announcement of Commissioner Mitchell's reappointment came with the release of the Children's Right's Report 2017, which focuses on the experiences of young parents and their children. The report makes recommendations to improve health, education and economic outcomes for young families. Read more about the report here.
Impact of Visa cancellations on young people

A recent article in the Saturday Paper tells the story of how visa cancellations under section 501 of the Migration Act 1958  are impacting on young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds who have engaged criminal justice system. The article highlights the story of a young South Sudanese man (aged 20) who arrived in Australia as a refugee at the age of 9 and who is at risk of indefinite detention as he cannot be returned to his country of origin. MYAN is currently preparing a submission to respond to the inquiry on review processes associated with visa cancellations. Please contact Derya Koksal, MYAN ‘s Policy and Advocacy Officer, for more information derya@myan.org.au.

CMY Shoutout Speaker Anyaak Abiel on youth crime reporting

Anyaak Abiel recently spoke with Tom Tilley on Triple J's Hack about the impact of the political and media spotlight on the South Sudanese community and youth crime.

Anyaak is passionate about sharing his perspectives on issues impacting young refugee and migrants, particularly systemic racism and lack of employment opportunities. Anyaak joined us at the MYAN National Conference last year as a youth panelist, and as a CMY Shout Out speaker, Anyaak uses the power of storytelling to inspire others to make a positive change in the community and challenge negative stereotypes. Listen to the interview here. 

And here's one more Harmony Day write up!  MYAN NSW Youth Ambassador Narayan Khanal wrote an inspiring article to commemorate the day, explaining what it's all about and why it's important to celebrate. 


UNICEF Australia's Young Ambassadors applications now open!

The search is on for UNICEF Australia’s new Young Ambassadors. Do you know a passionate young person who could be the next champion for children’s rights? This is a rare opportunity to speak up for children and to help create a world where every child is safe, heard and supported to reach their full potential. The Young Ambassador program is a one-year, voluntary role open to young people aged 15-24 from every state and territory in Australia and from all different kinds of backgrounds, experiences and skill sets.
Find out more about the Young Ambassador program and how to apply.

FRRR ABC Heywire Youth Innovation Grants open!

Want to make life better for young people in your community? The FRRR ABC Heywire Youth Innovation Grants are now open, with grants of $10,000 available to implement youth-developed ideas. Groups can apply for seed funding to adopt one of seven ideas, which tackle issues including beating drug addiction, access to health care and supporting Indigenous culture.
Applications are open now and close May 14.


Fair Work Ombudsman website translation
The Fair Work Ombudsman website can now be instantly translated into 40 languages, enabling customers to access information about Australian workplace laws - online and in their language, at any time of the day.  

My Blue Sky
The My Blue Sky Website is Australia’s first website dedicated to forced marriage prevention, information, referrals and legal advice. The site empowers vulnerable people and those who support them to access resources, links to Australian support services, and direct legal assistance through phone, text message, email and secure online locker room.  My Blue Sky is an Australian Government funded initiative of Anti-Slavery Australia.

Settlement Reporting Facility Decommission
The SRF has been decommissioned due to system upgrades of the underlying systems used to support it. Data relating to migration can still be accessed on data.gov.au on the Settlement Reports page. Users can find pre-populated quarterly reports hosted on data.gov. These reports were developed by the Settlement Data Team and are based on the most popular data requests.


Tarjimly Realtime Translation support app 

Tarjimly is a new app that aims to allow bilingual speakers to translate for refugees worldwide. Offering services for refugees and aid workers, the app works by pairing users up with volunteer translators through messenger, phone and video services for real-time translation.

Catalyst Youth Summit Report
The YACWA & MYAN WA 2017 Catalyst Youth Summit was held over three days, with nearly sixty young multicultural Western Australians attending to create networks, speak with decision makers and workshop solutions to key issues faced by their peers.

A Catalyst for Change report was recently released, sharing the major findings from the summit and showcasing the Catalyst alumni's activities. The solutions discussed by young people at the summit outlines actions to improve outcomes for all refugee and migrant young people in Western Australia.


DHS website: Family and Domestic Violence
The DHS website now has a page dedicated to information  and resources on family and domestic violence which can be translated to 28 different languages.

Child Safe Organisations

The Australian Human Rights Commission is leading the development of a National Statement of Principles for Child Safe Organisations.  This project has been commissioned by the Commonwealth Government, with consultation from states and territories, as part of the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children Third Action Plan (2015-2018) The goal is to build child-safe cultures in all organisational settings to advance the safety and wellbeing of children and young people across Australia. See the Child Safe Organisations project page for more information and to subscribe to the newsletter or read the draft National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.
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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700


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