April eNews

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Welcome to MYAN's May eNews! Read on for a recap on what was a fantastic FUSE 2019, updates on MYAN's Federal Election Policy Platform and how the key parties are measuring up on commitments to young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, a spotlight on our work around mental health, and resources

National News 

FUSE 2019 Recap 
MYAN is still buzzing from the success of FUSE 2019, our biennial 3-day National Multicultural Youth Summit held on 15th - 17th April. 

Thirty young leaders representing every state and territory, traveled from across Australia to build their advocacy and leadership skills through workshops, panel discussions, presentations, and build their networks with peers, MPs and other decision-makers. MYAN's Youth Ambassadors played a key role in planning and facilitating the three days. 

FUSE themes - Connect, Ignite and Trailblaze - were brought to life through the enthusiastic participation of  delegates, sharing their ideas, skills and stories with each other, exploring approaches to advocacy and leadership, and forming strong connections that will continue into the future as a network of young leaders.
Reflections from delegates:

"You get to connect with so many other people who are just as passionate as you to see positive change... they really drive and encourage you to push for change. It has just been such an amazing experience." 

"My plan coming to FUSE was to learn new things and go back to my state and put these things into practice. I learned the true meaning of leadership and made a lot of wonderful, amazing friends. It's been a life-changing experience for me and I'm so grateful to be here." 
As a final project, delegates worked together to deliver powerful pitches to guest panelists Tim Watts MP, Senator Janet Rice and National Children's Commissioner, Megan Mitchell on Employment, Educations and Training, Health, Settlement Support and Youth Participation and Inclusion. The panel was once again an important opportunity for delegates to put their new skills and knowledge in practice, advocating on issues they are passionate about. 
Pitch panelists L-R: National Children's Commissioner, Megan Mitchell, Senator Janet Rice and Tim Watts MP 
MYAN congratulates all delegates on their contribution to FUSE 2019 and thanks all speakers, presenters and facilitators who shared their invaluable knowledge and skills.

Stay tuned for a FUSE Report and a film capturing the highlights of the event.
"It is time for us as young people, to rise and take actions from what we’ve learnt at FUSE and transform it into change. In other words, we need our young leader’s voices to come and change the world with the strength of our ideas. It’s our duty as young leaders to fight for a more fair and equitable Australia." 

- MYAN Youth Ambassador Magda Gamar 

National Policy 

MYAN's Federal Election Policy Platform & Scorecard 

In the lead up to the Federal Election, MYAN have put together a Federal Election Policy Platform, Platform Summary and Report Card Snapshot. 

The Policy Platform and Summary Platform identify eight priority areas for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, using the National Youth Settlement Framework as a basis for highlighting what the Federal Government can do to enable the active and sustained participation of young people in Australian society – by investing in programs and strategies that advance a strong, cohesive multicultural community.

The Report Card Snapshot compares how the key parties measure up on commitments to young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds and how the key parties are tracking against MYAN’s 2019 Federal Election Platform.

Spotlight on Mental Health 

The Productivity Commission's Inquiry into the Social and Economic Benefits of Improving Mental Health 

MYAN and The Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY) recently prepared a joint submission to The Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into the Social and Economic Benefits of Improving Mental Health, which highlighted the particular issues for young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds in relation to mental health, drawing on consultations with the sector and young people and relevant literature. 

CMY and MYAN are pleased to see the Commission’s focus on gaps in services facing particular groups, including youth people and those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and an emphasis on the broader contextual factors that impact on mental health.

Mental Health Service Provision for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds: developing a best practice framework

MYAN and our state and territory partners have been facilitating consultations over the past month in Melbourne, Brisbane and Paramatta as part of a research project being conducted by the Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY) in Victoria, assessing mental health services for young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds.

The consultations are being held to hear directly from young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds  and the sector who work with them, about mental health issues affecting young people and how mental health services can best support the mental health and well-being of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. 

This project will develop a best practice framework to support the 31 National Primary Health Network (PHN)s in commissioning effective, high quality programs aimed at improving the mental health and well-being of young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds.

National Consultation 

MYAN Australia is hosting a national focus group to inform this work:

When: 12.00pm Monday 3rd June 2019
Where: Online, details to be shared
RSVP: myanprojects@myan.org.au

News from States and Territories 

MyQ prepares for Youth Matters Forum! 

Multicultural Youth Queensland (MyQ) delivered a snapshot training of project management down at the Sunshine Coast for MyQ State-wide Youth Council. The training was a great opportunity for developing skills in planning and delivering projects and will be put to use in planning for the upcoming MyQ Youth Matters Forum in July.

The Youth Matters Forum led by the MyQ State wide Leadership Council, will raise attention and call to action strategies to address matters that are currently affecting young people from migrant and refugee young people in Queensland. Stay tuned for more information!

What's been happening with MYAN NSW?
In February 2019, MYAN NSW hosted the Young Humanitarians Conference along with Red Cross, STARTTS & SES. A month after the conference, we brought young people back together again to reflect and celebrate the success at conference. Most importantly, to thank the Youth Ambassadors that made it possible! Together, we looked through photos, ate food, gave certificates to the volunteers and received an amazing Lion Dance performance.
Other MYAN NSW updates include:
  • 4 NSW Delegates Holla, Elsi, Elie & Majd attend MYAN's National Multicultural Youth Summit, FUSE 2019
  • 4 Youth Ambassadors attending a Muslim Youth Roundtable with Department of Premier and Cabinet
  • A mental health consultation with 24 Youth Ambassadors
  • Workshops with Red Cross & STARTTS for newly arrived refugees students at Granville TAFE
  • Youth Week night market stall with Cumberland Council and 5 Youth Ambassadors


Needs assessment: A tool for program planning and community building is a webinar co-produced by CFCA and the Families and Children Expert Panel Project, AIFS. This webinar demonstrated how a needs assessment can inform program planning, as well as contribute to community building outcomes.
How to vote information in 29 languages is available at every polling place across Australia for polling officials to assist voters from non-English speaking backgrounds. Polling officials who speak a language other than English will also be identified by in-language badges. Click here for translated information about how to vote correctly, visit.
The recently launched national Online Safety Awareness campaign aims to arm parents, carers and teachers with the right resources to help keep children and young people safe online. Translated and in-language resources are available. 
Employment Empowers: When employment is much more than a job is a new publication by the Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY) which provides an overview of the challenges that refugee and migrant young people face when looking for employment in Australia, and information on how you can be part of a growing number of people using the power of business to build a more welcoming Australia.

The contribution of youth work in the context of migration and refugee matters is a practical guidance and toolbox aimed at youth workers who deal with the integration process of young migrants. It provides tips, advice and guidance to youth workers and youth organisations, as extracted from best practice examples across Europe. Moreover, it advises how to draft a toolbox that aims to be practical within a specific geographical area. 
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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700


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