August eNews

E-NEWSLETTER Multicultural youth advocacy network (Australia) 
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Welcome to August eNews

It’s that time of year when days are slowly getting longer and warmer- a sure sign Spring is upon us, which means the 2017 MYAN National Conference ‘Young people in a multicultural world: Rethinking a new policy and practice agenda’ in November is just around the corner.

The preliminary program has just been released with the first round of speakers and moderators announced. Visit the MYAN website for more information and use the buttons below to share with your networks.

Earlybird ticket allocations with a 15% discount are still open for what is sure to be a fantastic two-day event bringing together international and local policymakers, practitioners, young people, academics and the business sector. Register now so you don’t miss out!
Register Here

MY Australia Youth Census

The MY Australia multicultural youth census is the first national study seeking to understand more about the needs, values and future aspirations of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds in Australia aged between 15-25 years. The census is an online survey that takes 20 minutes to complete.

Help us reach our target of surveying 10,000 multicultural young people across Australia! 

Talk to your networks of young people about the survey and why it’s important. You can promote the survey on your organisational website, social media page, newsletter or noticeboards. Together we can reach our target and make a difference in helping policymakers and organisations who work with young, diverse people to develop better policies and programs, enrich the lives of multicultural youth and contribute to the social cohesion of Australian society. 

Download and share the flyer HERE
EMAIL US for a Survey Information Pack or
Use the buttons below to SHARE THE SURVEY with your networks!


MYAN in New Zealand with new perspectives

Nadine Liddy, MYAN's National Coordinator, delivered a training workshop on the National Youth Settlement Framework in August at New Zealand Red Cross in Wellington. 

Red Cross staff came from across NZ to understand more about the Framework and how it can be applied in the NZ settlement context. NZ Red Cross provides settlement support to those coming through NZ's resettlement program - 25% of whom are young people aged 12 to 25 years. They employ youth workers to support a targeted approach to youth settlement. MYAN looks forward to continuing the conversation with NZ Red Cross around how to best adapt the framework in NZ. 
MYAN National Coordinator Nadine Liddy with New Zealand Red Cross staff

Culture Shift

Alex Long, Executive Officer of MYAN NSW, and Apajok Biar, MYAN NSW Youth Ambassador, presented in August at Cultural Shift, a cross-sector conference on migrant and refugee families. Alex and Apajok's presentation focused on the National Youth Settlement Framework and how it can be used as a toolkit for family aware practice when working with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. They explored practical strategies for supporting young people as they settle in Australia, acknowledging the important role family and community plays in the life of a young person. 

Select Committee recommendations on strengthening multiculturalism
MYAN welcomes the recommendations in a newly released final report by the Select Committee on Strengthening Multiculturalism, having recently presented at a hearing for the Select Committee along with young speakers. The recommendations will help to achieve a supportive and cohesive diverse society.
Read the statement made by MYAN's National Coordinator and youth representatives.
Victorian Youth Justice Review & Strategy report
Victorian Youth Justice Review and Strategy: meeting needs and reducing offending report was released in July. The review outlines the need for response to over-representation of vulnerable groups in the youth justice system. Recommendations were made to develop a strategy involving community engagement programs to reduce over-representation of young people from Pacific Islander, Maori and African backgrounds. 
Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey
The ABS Australian Marriage Law Survey will be conducted by mail between 13-25 September. The ABS is providing services to assist people to complete the survey in different languages. There will be instructions on the reverse side of the letter written in 15 different languages on how to contact the Translating and Interpreting Services (TIS National).
More information here.

In the media

MYAN NSW's Youth Ambassador Apajok Biar is a finalist in the Woman's Weekly 'Women of the Future' Awards, recognised for her advocacy work for South Sudanese youth. Congrats Apajok & good luck!
You can vote in support of Apajok here.
CMY Shout Out speakers Sherry-Rose, Asanga, Nyayoud and Sahil feature in the 'Say NO To Racism' video by Polykala.
SBS The Feed has released a short documentary exploring underage forced marriage in Australia. The program publicises an issue seldom spoken about in the media. Available for viewing here.


Interactive 2016 Census data 
SBS News has introduced an innovative interactive tool by compiling data from the 2016 Census for Australians. The SBS Census Explorer tool allows users to go behind the recently released census data statistics to learn more about who they are and where they’re heading as one of the most multicultural countries in the world. Learn more 

Young people in Australia
A snapshot of young people in Australia from the 2016 ABS Census data has revealed young people are highly involved in volunteering and initiatives in their local communities, contributing actively to inclusion and social justice. Read more here
Migrant workers anonymous reporting tool
An Anonymous Report function for reporting workplace concerns has been launched in 16 languages other than English by the Fair Work Ombudsman. The function is an initiative that addresses the barriers that make it difficult for migrant workers to know where to report concerns or how to seek help. The Anonymous Report tool can be accessed here

New study on personal wellbeing for young Hazaras with refugee backgrounds
A key finding in a new study of young Hazaras with refugee backgrounds in Australia shows that being with family and engagement in education and work is important to their personal wellbeing and successful settlement pathways. Read the article by Copolov, Knowles and Meyer here

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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700

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