AYAC Campaign (copy 01)

Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network
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It’s almost National Youth Week. Here is THE BEST thing you can do to celebrate.

Young people want to be heard on many issues, from tax and justice to marriage equality and climate change.

But the Australian Government has removed ways to hear from or engage with young people.

This Youth Week (31 March – 9 April 2017) you can help fix this.

Youth Week is a chance to celebrate young people, but also to make your opinion count.

MYAN are sharing this call out from the Australian Youth Affairs Council (AYAC) asking young people to contact your Member of Parliament (MPs) TODAY and ask that young people are a part of national decisions.

Here’s how you can participate:

1 – Find out who is your local Member of Parliament here.

2 – Copy and paste the wording below, and send them an email.
Change it up, or use it as is – it’s up to you. (If you want some more tips – check out this toolkit)

3 – Let AYAC know that you sent your MP an email! It’s really important. Email admin@ayac.org.au

Thanks for speaking up, from the AYAC Board

------------------------- Example text for email to your MP -------------------------


[Enter date]

[Insert MP's name and address]

Dear Mr/Ms [enter first name and last name of MP]


I live in your electorate, and Youth Week matters to me. This year is the last year Australia will celebrate National Youth Week.


National Youth Week (31 March to 9 April 2017) is held across Australia for young people between 12 and 25 years of age.


Youth Week 2017 is an opportunity for young people to engage with their local community, express themselves and their ideas, to increase awareness of issues that are important to them and participate in the decisions that affect their lives.


Will you or your party ask a question during question time, in the week 27-30th March, on behalf of young people?


Our question?


To the Minister for Social Services, the Hon Christian Porter

Next week is the last National Youth Week. The Mission Australia National Youth Survey 2016, found that young people were concerned about a number issues including the lack of equity in today’s society. Can the Minister inform the House of the support the Government provides to young people to be heard in the development of policy in Australia? Are you aware of any opportunities to support organisations that provide a national voice for young people in Australia? Are you prepared to meet young people and hear their concerns? 


Yours sincerely,

[Enter your name]

[Enter your email]

[Your address - optional]

[Phone Number - optional]

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