Citizenship Test Inquiry

Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)

MYAN National Teleconference

What do the proposed changes to the citizenship test mean for young people?

2 to 3pm (AEST) Wednesday 31st May 2017

MYAN Australia is seeking your input. We are preparing a submission to Government on the Strengthening the Test for Australian Citizenship discussion paper. We will focus on the impact of the proposed changes upon young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds and their families. 


Last month, the Federal Government released a discussion paper outlining a suite of proposed reforms to applications for citizenship in Australia.

Among other things, these reforms include the introduction of a more stringent English language test, a longer period of continual residence immediately before being eligible to apply for citizenship, the addition of new questions about Australian values, and a requirement to demonstrate integration into the Australian community. (Read the full list of changes here.)
The Government is currently inviting community feedback on the discussion paper and MYAN Australia, in consultation with our partners and stakeholders, will be making a formal submission on the proposed changes.

Teleconference details

MYAN would like to invite you to contribute to this submission and we are holding a teleconference for this purpose. It will focus on the following questions:
  1. Are young people, their families or communities expressing concerns about these proposed changes? What are these concerns?
  2. What would these changes mean for the young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, their families and communities that you work with?
When: 2:00 - 3:00pm (AEST), Wednesday 31st May 2017
Where: Teleconference (dial in details below)
RSVP: Edmee Kenny, MYAN (Aust) Policy Officer - 

Dial in on:
        Melbourne 03 8687 0635                     Gold Coast 07 5560 0956
        Adelaide 08 8220 0836                        Hobart 03 6218 0647
        Brisbane 07 3811 0988                        Perth 08 9460 0829
        Canberra 02 6210 0851                       Sydney 02 9696 0774
        Darwin 08 8989 0817

Guest code: 509 292 38#

If you are unable to attend the teleconference and would like to provide input, please contact Edmee at

Youth perspectives

It is important to note that MYAN will also be engaging with young people to ensure their views directly inform this submission. 

MYAN encourages young people, their families and communities to  make submissions direct to the Department. For more information, click here.
Copyright © 2016 MYAN (Australia)
Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
c/- 304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700