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Share your views on COVID-19 vaccines

Multicultural Youth Consultations

MYAN invites young people (aged 15-30) from CALD backgrounds to join upcoming COVID-19 vaccine consultations.

This is
PAID opportunity for young people to share perspectives to inform and improve the communication of COVID-19 vaccines in multicultural communities.

The discussions are facilitated by young leaders from MYAN and will be accompanied by a health professional to answer any questions from participants.

  • What to expect at the consultation:

    • Receiving up to date information on the COVID-19 vaccine

    • Discussion of barriers and solutions to the COVID-19 vaccine uptake

    • Providing a space for young people to ask questions and suggest solutions about the COVID-19 vaccines in a friendly and culturally safe space.

Participants will be reimbursed with a $45 gift card for their time.

These consultations are in partnership with the Australian Department of Health who play a lead role in communicating the COVID-19 vaccine rollout nationally.

The outcomes of the discussion will help shape the COVID-19 Vaccine Communication and Engagement Strategy for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Communities. It will also inform communications pieces to be developed by MYAN and our Youth Reference Groups.

Register for an upcoming consultation in your state/territory:

Thursday 2nd September 5:00 - 6.30 pm
via Zoom

The ACT youth discussion will be facilitated by Jahin Tanvir, a young leader from MYAN and MYAN NSW.

Register here
Saturday 4th September 10:00 - 11:30 am
via Zoom

The SA youth discussion will be facilitated by Fatima Tlaa, a young leader from MYAN.

Register here.
Wednesday 8th September 4:00 - 5:30 pm at MRC Tasmania

The TAS youth discussion will be facilitated by Jane Villasin, a young leader from MYAN and MyT.

Register here

Thursday 9th September 5:00 - 6:30 pm via Zoom

The NSW youth discussion will be facilitated by Asal Khalaf and Sanjaya Sharma, young leaders from MYAN and MYAN NSW.

Register here
Wednesday 15th September 6:00 - 7.30 pm via Zoom

The QLD youth discussion will be facilitated by Grace Edwards
, a young leader from MYAN and MyQ.

Register here.


Please circulate the opportunity with young people in your networks!
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