COVID Sector Meeting – Notes and resources

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Hi everyone,
Thank you for joining our National Sector Meeting on COVID-19 on June 3, focusing on young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds across Australia.

We had vibrant and dynamic discussions identifying emerging challenges and solutions in the four breakout room discussions: Mental health, Training/Employment, Education and Settlement.

Thank you to all our moderators and note-takers who have helped us in compiling the meeting notes available for you below:

COVID-19 Meeting Summary Notes

Here are two additional resources that have been updated as a result of the meetings:

Shared Sector Support Contact List for COVID-19
National Shared Resource Library for COVID-19


Thank you also for your feedback on the structure and focus of future national sector meetings. MYAN will be in touch on this in the coming months. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to the upcoming launch of the National Youth Settlement Framework (NYSF) 2020 ed. 

We are delighted that Alison Larkins, Commonwealth Coordinator-General of Migrant Services, will be formally launching the NYSF 2020 resource, joined by a dynamic panel of speakers, including young people and sector representatives. There will also be plenty of opportunity for Q&A.

Launch event: 2020 edition of the National Youth Settlement Framework (NYSF)

Wednesday, 1 July 2.00 - 3.30 pm (AEST)

RSVP for the launch event

MYAN developed the NYSF in 2016 and it remains Australia’s first and only evidence-based national guide to benchmark good practice with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds and is the only one of its kind globally.

The role the NYSF plays in supporting good practice with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds has been even further amplified during the COVID-19 pandemic as we all work to mitigate the massive short and longer-term disruptions of the pandemic on young people’s lives.


If you have any feedback around past or future COVID-19 sector meetings, we'd love to hear it so please email or

We look forward to connecting with you again soon!
Kind regards,
Andrew Duong
Media and Communications Officer
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