Deloitte Launch Event EDM#1

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You are invited to the launch event!

RSVP for the Launch Event
We are excited to invite you to the launch of the MYAN/Deloitte Access report,

COVID-19 and young migrants - impact and solutions

on Tuesday 17 August 1.30 - 3.00 PM AEST. 

We are honoured to have Alison Larkins Coordinator-General for Migrant Services, Department of Home Affairs joining us to celebrate the launch. 

David Rumbens, the Deloitte Access Partner will highlight the proactive solutions that this report recommends.

Along with Alison and David, we will be joined by an amazing panel to speak to the important issues raised in the report including:
  • Innes Willcox (Chief Executive, Australia Industry Group, and Chairperson, Migration Council of Australia)
  • Yusuf Mohamed (A young entrepreneur from VIC) 
  • Domina Augustine (MYAN Youth Ambassador Representative for NSW)
The event will be co-chaired by Carmel Guerra, MYAN’s Chair and Martika Shakoor, MYAN’s Youth Leadership Advocacy Officer.

About the report:

In Australia, data collection on economic participation and employment outcomes for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds is sparse and MYAN has responded to this gap by engaging Deloitte Access Economics to contribute an evidence base to this area.

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the lives of everyone in the Australian community in acute and unpredictable ways including people’s livelihood, and this report finds that while are among the groups most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic they also one of the most crucial to Australia’s economic recovery and long-term sustainability.
COVID-19 and young migrants – impact and solutions provides expert economic analysis on employment data specific to young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. This report highlights the impact of COVID-19 on employment for young people and reveals how the recession of 2020 will likely have lasting effects on young people, particularly young migrants.
RSVP for the Launch Event
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 17 August 1.30 -3:00 PM AEST!

The MYAN team
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