Education Pathways – Teleconference (updated date)

Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)



Apologies everyone:
The header in last our last email had the wrong date. This teleconference will be on THURSDAY, 8th September.

Exploring education pathways for young people seeking asylum and young refugees on TPVs and SHEVs

National Teleconference - 8th September, 2016

MYAN and RCOA invite you to this national teleconference bringing together a range of actors to explore recent developments in this area. 

This teleconference will include:
  • updates on access to TAFE/VET schemes in a number of states and territories
  • news on the SHEV and TPV schemes
  • an exploration of advocacy taking place on this issue 
  • sharing of any developments or emerging issues from those working in this area
We will also be joined by:
  • Alex Reilly, from University of Adelaide, who will give an update on new scholarships at the university; and 
  • Aviola Ajetomobi, Director of ASRC's Innovation Hub, who will be sharing information about their new education program.
When: 12:00 - 1:00pm (AEST) Thursday 8th September 2016
Where: Teleconference (dial in details below)
RSVP: Edmee Kenny, MYAN (Aust) Policy Officer - 

Teleconference dial in details:

        Melbourne 03 8687 0635                     Gold Coast 07 5560 0956
        Adelaide 08 8220 0836                        Hobart 03 6218 0647
        Brisbane 07 3811 0988                        Perth 08 9460 0829
        Canberra 02 6210 0851                       Sydney 02 9696 0774
        Darwin 08 8989 0817

Guest code: 509 292 38#

Young people seeking asylum, and those on TPVs or SHEVs, face a range of barriers to accessing and remaining engaged in education and training pathways. While engagement in education has a significant impact on a young person's mental and physical health and their sense of purpose and participation in the community, their options are limited once they turn 18. Addressing this often relies on individual advocacy and creative solutions.

This teleconference provides an opportunity for:
  • Networking between workers and agencies supporting young asylum seekers and young refugees on TPVs or SHEVs across Australia
  • Sharing and promoting initiatives that support young people to continue engaging in education/training opportunities beyond the age of 18
  • Identifying any future advocacy priorities or opportunities.
Notes from our last teleconference are available here.
If you'd like to be part of a broader national conversation around refugee education - sign up to the Refugee Education Special Interest Group (SIG) mailing list today at 
Copyright © 2015 MYAN (Australia)

Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700