February 2022 eNews

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Happy International Women's Day and welcome to our first newsletter for 2022!

MYAN’s e-news is a bi-monthly newsletter where we share news about the young leaders in our network, update our supporters on MYAN’s policy and advocacy work and share current opportunities and resources for young people and the sector from across Australia and the world.

We look forward to sharing our work with you throughout 2022!

The MYAN team,

Rana, Shannon, Martika, and Ali

MYAN receives Pride Foundation Australia X Sidney Myer Fund major grant

We are thrilled to announce that we have received  the prestigious Pride Foundation Australia (PFA) and Sidney Myer Fund’s second major grant round for 2021. This funding will go towards developing a national survey and undertaking consultations to explore specific settlement experiences and subsequent needs of young LGBTQIA+ refugees and asylum seekers in Australia.

The research will be used to inform governmental policy as well as settlement services in better addressing gaps in support for young LGBTQIA+ refugees and asylum seekers.

Read here

Please contact Shannon White for more information about this work.

#Whatsyourwhy ONLINE KIDS VIDEO CONTEST (ages 5-15)
After two long year, COVID-19 vaccines have brought back smiles to primary and high school students across the country who are reuniting with teachers and friends, getting back onto the playground, and attending birthday parties again!

As part of our #whatsyourwhy campaign, MYAN would love to hear about your own story!

In a 20 second video, let us know how COVID-19 vaccines have brought smiles back to the faces of your sibling or your child- and the first five entries will win $100 each

To submit your video follow the steps below:

Step 1: Post your video on your social media page (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter)

Step 2: Use #WhatsYourWhy and tag @MYANAustralia

Submit through this Google form

Submissions close 30th March 2022

Please share with parents and siblings of students (aged 5-15 years).

*All entries will be showcased on MYAN’s website and social media pages.

News from Young Leaders at MYAN

FUSE 2021 delegates meet with Senator Nick McKim

FUSE 2021 delegates Tha Dah Shay and Zohreh Jafari met with Senator Nick McKim on behalf of their fellow Tasmanian FUSE delegates. The delegates discussed their FUSE 2021 Pitch presentation which explored what positive allyship with First Nations people looks like for young migrants and refugees living in Australia.

They also presented recent consultation findings from MYAN’s  partner organisation Migrant Resource Centre Tasmania,  which focused on issues of racism and inequality for young people.

In praising their presentation and their ideas, Senator McKim said that he agreed with everything that was being said and put forward by the young leaders. 

Rana Ebrahimi, MYAN's National Manager welcomed Senator McKim's interest in meeting directly with MYAN acknowledging that "Meetings like these are empowering for young leaders and are valuable opportunities to share their views and perspectives with decision makers-who also benefit from hearing directly from young people."

The meeting was also attended by Andrew Perry – Policy & Parliamentary Adviser, Dr Gillian Long – CEO of Migrant Resource Centre, Sally Thompson – Multicultural Youth Tasmania Coordinator, Rana Ebrahimi – MYAN National Manager, and Martika Shakoor – MYAN Youth Leadership & Advocacy Officer.

Cindy Liu appointed as the co-chair of MYAN’s Youth CaLD Disability Collective (YCDC)

Congratulations to MYAN Youth CaLD Disability Collective (YCDC) co-chair Cindy Liu who has been appointed as a member of Australia’s Disability Strategy Advisory Council!

The Advisory Council plays a key role in providing advice to governments on the implementation of the Strategy. The Advisory Council:

• Advises on the Targeted Action Plans, Outcomes Framework, Associated Plans, and Strategy reporting.

• Provides advice directly to disability ministers, with the Chair attending one disability ministers meeting each year.

• Connects with state and territory disability advisory groups and the NDIS Independent Advisory Council.

For further information, see here.

Zahra Al Hilaly, featured in Vogue magazine

Zahra, the West Australian member of MYAN’s Youth Ambassadors Network (YAN), has been featured in Vogue Australia. Zahra pushes for equitable representation and through storytelling aims to shift the narrative in creating an intergenerational ripple effect towards achieving gender equality. In the article in Vogue, she highlights her experiences about belonging in Australia as someone from a migrant/refugee background.  

See pages 68 – 69 in Vogue’s February edition (currently available in print only).

Fatima Tlaa appointed as a member of the National Anti-Racism Multicultural Advisory Group.

Congratulations to Fatima Tlaa, the South Australian member of MYAN's Youth Ambassador network who has been appointed as a member of the National Anti-Racism Multicultural Advisory Group. 

The Multicultural Advisory Group consists of 10-15 members from a range of multicultural peak bodies and leading organisations, representing a diversity of organisations who undertake policy, advocacy and service provision to address racial discrimination and racism in Australia. The group is a key part of the advisory structure informing the development of a National Anti-Racism Framework, alongside the Commonwealth Government Advisory Group and ongoing consultations with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peak bodies and research institutes. Fatima along with other members of the group will guide, inform and develop the framework alongside the Australian Human Rights Commission, Amnesty International and other bodies.

Rahila Abdul Hadi, Queensland FUSE 2021 Delegate, talks about being featured in ASRC’s ‘Seeking Asylum: Our Stories’ Book

Rahila Abdul Hadi, a MYAN FUSE delegate, QUT student and a 21 year old Afghani who was born and raised in Pakistan shares her story of migration to Australia in the photobook ‘Seeking Asylum: Our Stories’. Rahila believes in the power of storytelling and in the book  emphasizes that “ through stories we could break many negative stereotypes” and it could also “give us an opportunity to learn from another person’s experience”. 

The book can be found in various bookstores across the country and can be purchased via this link.
MYAN and Maria Faatuai featured in Pasifika Women's Alliance (PWA) newsletter

FUSE 2021 delegate Maria Faatuai was featured in the most recent edition of Pasifika Women's Alliance (PWA) newsletter. Maria, a proud Samoan, was one of the 6 FUSE delegates from Queensland. She is passionate about her culture, seeks to create change within her wider community and frequently serves various organizations and groups aimed at empowering and safeguarding the Pacific Islander. In the article, Maria poetically reflects on the issue of mental health and writes “Mental Health. Two words that continue to haunt us. May we see more of us in spaces that are supposed to help us. May the conversation be spoken in our language and not one foreign to our ears.”

Click here to read Page 10 of ‘PWA Newsletter 2021-04’ to read about Maria’s reflections on the topic of mental health.
State & territory opportunities
Supporting young people in their settlement journey – Parts 1 and 2

Supporting young people in their settlement journey is a practical online training session organized by Center of Multicultural Youth (CMY). The session will be held on 19th and 26th May 2022, and  will show you how to use the National Youth Settlement Framework (NYSF) in your work to support young people to reach their potential as active citizens in Australian society.

 The NYSF is an evidence-based national guide to good practice for working with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds – and is the only one of its kind globally. With practical tools, including Self-Assessment Guides and a range of useful resources, the NYSF is designed to equip service providers with the skills and knowledge to best support young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds to thrive in Australia. 
 Book now


COVID-19 Vaccines Multicultural Outreach- Stakeholder Pack- February 2022

The Department of Health is committed to making information about COVID-19 vaccines available to everyone in Australia, including culturally and linguistically diverse communities. This stakeholder pack includes translated communication resources on the latest COVID-19 vaccine information.
Australian Red Cross teams connecting families

Australia’s National Children’s Commissioner wants to hear from children and their families about how living through the past two years of COVID-19 has affected their mental health and wellbeing.

They are surveying children and young people aged nine to seventeen to find out more about the unique challenges they have faced over the past two years and the social, emotional, educational, and other impacts they have experienced.

Australia’s National Children’s Commissioner are also surveying parents, carers and grandparents about their children’s experiences during COVID, as well as how they have coped with parenting challenges during this time.

The surveys will help to inform the support services that children and their families need as Australia continues to deal with the pandemic, and as we emerge from it. The Commissioner is also interested to understand what has helped children and young people to feel positive about life.

More information and access to the survey here

 Surveys close 20th March 2022

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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700


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