Follow up – YDRG Panel

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Cultural Identity and Disability: Diverse Perspectives from Young People

Thank-you to our wonderful panel for their honest and insightful perspectives and for their courage in sharing their lived experience with a large national audience of service providers and policy makers.    

MYAN was thrilled to host this national youth-led panel on Monday 30th November - exploring youth perspectives on cultural identity and disability. The panel was led by a reference group of young people from diverse cultural backgrounds with lived experience of disability. Cindy, Grace, Markos, Varsha and Ash shared their perspectives and experiences with support services, navigating employment with inadequate awareness in workplaces, and challenges around the ‘fix it’ attitude and ‘culture blaming’.    

Read the wonderful visual notes below, access the text version of the recap and the event recording.

Text version of recap available here
Developed and led by young people

This panel was organised by the newly formed Youth Disability Reference Group (YDRG). This reference group was established as a result of the national disability panel that MYAN hosted with the National Ethnic Disability Alliance (NEDA) in August. You can watch this event here.

Post the event, Cindy and Grace - two passionate youth advocates and panellists - approached MYAN for support in putting together a national reference group of young people from a refugee or migrant background, with lived experience of disability. This newly formed YDRG was created to plan a youth-led event and explore the possibility of creating a national space for young people from CALD backgrounds with a disability to connect with peers across Australia, engage in and lead advocacy on issues that matter to them.

Watch the full event recording here
Auto-captions available on recording

We look forward to connecting with you again in 2021!

The MYAN team
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