FUSE 2016 – Delegate invitation

Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia) 
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Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Thank you for your application and interest in participating in the FUSE 2016 from the 7th to the 9th of December 2016 in Melbourne, Victoria.  We had a high number of applications and are very pleased to announce that your application has been successful - congratulations!
The theme of the summit is Connect, Ignite, Trailblaze. FUSE 2016 will be a platform for young multicultural leaders to explore and strengthen leadership capabilities and aspirations; apply advocacy and leadership skills and engage with decision-makers; and share perspectives and experiences with other young people from multicultural backgrounds from around Australia.
Given the high number of applications for FUSE 2016, it is essential that you complete and return this 
FUSE 2016 Registration Form confirming your attendance by 5pm Monday 17th October, 2016 to ensure your place.

If you are unable to take up the offer of a place at FUSE 2016, or are unable to return the completed form by this deadline, please contact us ASAP at
The MYAN will be in contact with you to arrange travel to/from FUSE 2016 and we will do our best to accommodate your flight preferences, but cannot guarantee this. As you know from the application form, we are expecting all delegates to arrive in Melbourne for introductions on the evening of Tuesday 6th of December. We will also be arranging share accommodation (male only or female only rooms) and will do our best to accommodate other requests. We will also be sending out other information to assist you in preparing for FUSE 2016.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us on (03) 9340 3700 or
Once again, congratulations on your successful application to take part in FUSE 2016 and we look forward to meeting you there!

Nadine Liddy
MYAN Australia, National Coordinator

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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700


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