FUSE 2021- Day 2 tickets now open for all! Book now!

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FUSE 2021
Day 2 tickets now open!
Sunday 5th December 2021

The time has always been right for the world to amplify the voices of young people, and bring together their innovative solutions for sustainable change.

FUSE is Australia's only national multicultural youth summit, hosted by the Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (MYAN) and our team of Youth Ambassadors (YAN members) on 4th and 5th December 2021. 

FUSE 2021 is a hybrid model event with a mix of online and in person activities for increased reach and greater engagement. Day 2 of the event is open to the public and will be conducted ONLINE via zoom.

Join Day 2 to

Tune into the panel events with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds pitching ideas to key decision makers based on the themes of:

1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Rights
2. Climate Change
3. Mental Health
4. Racism

On Day 2, there is also a youth only online networking event to join. If you are a young person 12-25 who could not join the summit on Day 1, you still have the chance to network with MYAN’s partners and 50 young emerging leaders. 

MYAN works from the premise that young people from multicultural backgrounds have unique experiences and knowledge, and should be supported to articulate the issues impacting on their lives and identify solutions. FUSE 2021 is designed to facilitate this. 

Join MYAN, experts, decision makers and emerging young leaders at DAY 2 of FUSE 2021

Register for DAY 2
PS: FUSE Day 1 registrations are now closed. We are now accepting registration for Day 2 only.
Please share FUSE 2021 with your networks.
Wondering what FUSE looks like? See below for FUSE 2019
FUSE 2019
Are you #FUSE2021 ready!
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