Humanitarian Programme 2018-19 (copy 01)

Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
National Consultation



Seeking your input

Australia's Humanitarian Program 2018-19

National Teleconference: 3.00 - 4.00pm EST Thursday 17th May

MYAN Australia invites you to a national teleconference to share your views on how young people are recognised and supported within Australia’s Humanitarian Programme. 

Each year the Australian Government seeks community views on the management, size and composition of Australia’s Humanitarian Programme. The information gathered helps to inform future program planning and development.

MYAN is preparing a submission which will focus on young people. We would like to hear from you about what should be included.

When: 3.00-4.00pm EST Thursday 17th May 2018
Where: Teleconference (Dial-in Details shared with RSVP)
RSVP: Derya Koksal, MYAN (Aust) Policy Officer - 

Discussion points
In light of the Discussion Paper prepared by the Department of Home Affairs, MYAN is interested to hear from you about:
  • What increased use of SHP and CSP (Community Support Program) mean for young people wanting to reunite with their families.
  • Australia's current settlement support services/programs for young people, including areas for improvement or action in 2018-19, and observations about young people's access to settlement services.
  • The Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) and the implications for Australia's Humanitarian Programme 2018-19. (See below for more information on the GCR)
  • Protection challenges for displaced young people in the international context, including particular group/s or region/s of concern and priorities for Australia’s program.

MYAN Data Report on Youth Settlement Trends 2016-2017

MYAN Australia has recently released Data Report on Youth Settlement Trends 2016-2017. This resource provides a detailed overview of young people arriving in Australia through the Humanitarian and Migration Programmes, including where they are settling, demographic data,  visa sub-class and comparisons across the last five years.

Download the Snapshot here.

For more information on the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR):

MYAN's Advocacy Brief on Youth Rights in the Global Compact on Refugees
MYAN's Response to Draft 1 of the GCR
MYAN's Response to Draft 2 of the GCR
Compact on Young People in Humanitarian Action: Recommendations on Young People in the Global Compact on Refugees 
UNHCR Towards a Global Compact on Refugees

Copyright © 2018 MYAN (Australia)

Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700