January eNews

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Welcome to MYAN's January eNews, and a belated Happy New Year from MYAN. We hope 2019 is a prosperous and productive year. 

2019 is shaping up to be an exciting year for MYAN. In the next couple of months we will be launching our new website, releasing new resources and reports, and hosting our 3rd biannual National Multicultural Youth Summit, FUSE 2019. 

Read on to catch up on the latest news from young leaders,  national news and activities, national and international policy, updates in the media, upcoming opportunities, and useful resources.

National News 

Multicultural Youth Australia Census report launch
The Multicultural Youth Census Status Report 2017/18 was produced through a collaboration between the University of Melbourne, MYAN Australia and a range of government and community organisations from around Australia.

Last night saw the launch of the Report, which is the first national study of its kind presenting rich insights into how young people from diverse cultural backgrounds and faring socially, economically and culturally. 
MYAN thanks the 1920 young people aged 15-25 from migrant and refugee backgrounds who took part in the research, sharing their opinions, values, concerns and aspirations. From these contributions, we gain a better understanding of the opportunities and challenges faced by young people from diverse backgrounds.

Congratulations to the research team and partner organisations who came together to deliver a comprehensive status report that will be used to help policymakers and organisations who work with young, diverse people to develop better policies and programs that enrich the lives of multicultural youth and contribute to the social cohesion of Australian society. 

Download the report here. Read more about the research in Melbourne University's Pursuit.  
Pictured L-R: Soo-Lin Quek (CMY), Prof. Johanna Wyn (Chief Investigator), Asanga Seneviratne (CMY ShoutOut Speaker),  Minister for Youth, Hon. Gabrielle Williams, Cammy Lu (CMY ShoutOut Speaker), Carmel Guerra (CMY CEO & MYAN Chair) and Dr Rimi Khan (Lead Investigator) 
Exciting times! FUSE applications under review 

MYAN is pleased to announce that we have received an overwhelming response of high-calibre applications for FUSE 2019. Thanks to all the enthusiastic young leaders from across Australia who have applied and in some cases, the organisations who have supported applicants. We have begun the review and selection process, and will be contacting successful delegates in early March.

National Policy 

Review into integration, employment and settlement outcomes  

In December, the Prime Minister announced an independent review into the integration, employment and settlement outcomes of refugees and humanitarian entrants. MYAN Chair Carmel Guerra, Acting National Coordinator Andrew Cummings, and Policy and Advocacy Officer Derya Koksal met with the Review Panel to discuss issues for young people from refugee backgrounds. MYAN also provided a written submission to the review, and case studies highlighting examples of good practice. The Panel is due to present its report to the federal government in February.

Launch of The Fourth Action Plan of the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children (2009-2020)

MYAN welcomes the launch of The Fourth Action Plan of the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children (2009-2020) by the Government yesterday following endorsement by state and territory Community Services Ministers across Australia. The National Framework was established by the Australian Government in partnership with states and territories and the non-government sector, as a long-term national approach to ensure the safety and wellbeing of Australia’s children. Read the media release here

The federal government's Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme

The Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme commenced on 10 December 2018, intending to capture the nature, level and extent of foreign influence on Australia’s government and political processes. For more information and explanations on the scheme check here.

News from young leaders 

Pictured: Jane Alia accepting her Young Citizen of the Year award (left) and Narayan Khanal  with Mayor of Wollongong, Gordon Alfred Bradbery OAM (Right) 
Congratulations to Youth Ambassadors awarded Young Citizens of the Year 

Two MYAN Youth Ambassadors, Jane Alia (NT) and Narayan Khanal (NSW) have been awarded Young Citizen of the Year for their respective local councils, City of Darwin and City of Wollongong. Both have been recognised for outstanding efforts in advocacy for the rights and interests of young people, in particular from refugee and migrant backgrounds. 

Jane has been actively working to build the capacity and connections of her community by mentoring newly arrived young refugees and migrants through settlement transitions with Melaleuca Refugee Centre. She  has also dedicated herself to promoting the rights and interests of young people as MYAN Youth Ambassador for NT, as an Australian delegate at South Africa's World Youth Conference and as the NT Ambassador for World Refugee Week. 

Narayan has been involved in local and international advocacy as MYAN Youth Ambassador for NSW, participating in a panel discussion at International Metropolis Conference and attending the Global Summit of Refugees in Geneva last year. He established the Multicultural Society at the University of Wollongong, is the chairperson of the Youth Advisory Group for Refugee Youth Peer Mentoring Project (MYAN NSW) and volunteers for Headspace. 

Congratulations, Jane and Narayan! 

You can read more about Jane, Narayan and all MYAN Youth Ambassadors here
International Policy 
World Refugee Council Calls for Major Actions to Transform the Global Refugee System

The World Refugee Council (WRC) is calling for a major overhaul of the global refugee system in order to protect the interests of forcibly displaced people and provide greater support for the countries and communities that host them. The WRC's report, A Call to Action: Transforming the Global Refugee System, builds on the recently adopted United Nations Global Compacts on refugees and for migration, providing concrete actions to protect the interests of refugees and internally displaced persons - with a focus on the interests and women and children - and to address gaps in accountability, funding and political leadership. Key recommendations include promoting leadership roles for women and youth. 

Read more here

In the Media 

Watch: 70 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
December 2018 marked 70 years of the Declaration of Human Rights. The Wheeler Centre recently published this filmed panel discussion featuring Ruth Barson, Nyadol Nyuon, Hugh de Kretser and Damian Griffis on the status of Australia's human rights within the context of global progress towards improved human rights. This panel was presented in partnership with the Human Rights Law Centre. 


Global Summit of Refugees 2019

Calling all passionate, enthusiastic, dedicated and proactive 18-23 year old social entrepreneurs, community organisers, activists, volunteers and campaigners who are working towards attaining the Sustainable Development Goals.  Applications are now open for Global Changemakers to attend the fully funded Global Youth Summit 2019 held 14 to 20 July in Zurich, Switzerland. Find more information here

Youth Peer Researchers wanted

Western Sydney University and Multicultural NSW will work with up to 20 Youth Peer Researchers to develop an evidence base of challenges and opportunities facing young people from a refugee and refugee-like background. The evidence will inform the NSW Government and the broader service delivery sector in the design and delivery of policies and programs. Download the application package here.

New Humans of Australia

New Humans of Australia (NHOA) is a storytelling project that seeks to reduce discrimination towards migrants in Australia. NHOA are seeking interviewees who were born overseas. Find more information here

National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces

National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces initiated by Australia’s Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Kate Jenkins continues to accept submissions until 28.2.2019 and will have a number of public consultations in Sydney in February. The Commission wants to hear from as many people as possible. Fore more information on the Inquiry and learn about how to attend a consultation or make a submission check here.

WA Inaugural Forced Marriage Conference 

Tickets are available for the inaugral Protection and Prevention: WA Forced Marriage Conference. Held on 12th March 2019, the event is an opportunity for sharing information and understanding, for identifying WA support services, and for strategically planning a way to work collaboratively to address the needs of those vulnerable to this practice within our communities. 


Take Action by Youth Action is a guide to support youth-led change for young people and people who work with young people. The platform includes things to know: how to use Take Action, advocacy explained and government explained, information on some of the key issues young people care about, and ideas for making change.

The Youth Knowledge Book, Between insecurity and hope: reflection on youth work with young refugees presents theoretical references and experiences of youth work with refugees, analysing the critical points of the European context in which young refugees live today and proposing reflections on human rights-based youth work. 

Malala Yousafzai, the world’s youngest Nobel laureate, has compiled WE ARE DISPLACED: My Journey and Stories From Refugee Girls Around the World. The book describes the deeply personal lived experiences of displacement and disruption of Yousafzai and nine other girls. Read more here.
Human Rights Watch have published their annual global review of human rights, the World Report 2019. The report identifies Australia's offshore processing and settlement policy as ongoing serious human rights issue. Read more here.
A new article in Refugee Quarterly, Higher Education and Students from Refugee Backgrounds: A Meta-Scoping Study authored by Georgina Ramsey and Sally Baker, offers a meta-scoping study of 46 papers on students from refugee backgrounds in international higher education contexts.

People from refugee and asylum seeking backgrounds: an open access annotated bibliography contains summaries and annotated bibliographies of academic literature with a focus on refugees and asylum seekers (and to a lesser extent migrants) on various issues such as; higher education; schooling; adult education; resettlement; employment; etc.  

The research, People seeking asylum in Australia: Access & support in higher education provides a nationwide map of the policies and practices affecting people seeking asylum and is the first of its kind to evaluate university and community supports for these students. The findings highlight that people seeking asylum face complex and specific challenges and barriers to higher education access and enrolment.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Information and Settlement Services International have established a new National Multilingual Disability Hub with information available on disability services and NDIS in 14 languages. 

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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700


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