July eNews

E-NEWSLETTER Multicultural youth advocacy network (Australia) 
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 L-R: Carmel Guerra (MYAN Chair & CMY CEO), Shabnam Safa, Sen. Duniam, Sen. Di Natale,
Bayu Pratama, Cam Lu, Maximus Po and Nadine Liddy (MYAN National Coordinator)

Young people speak out at Inquiry into Strengthening Multiculturalism

MYAN and the Centre for Multicultural Youth teamed up with a group of young advocates to give evidence at the public hearing of the Senate's Select Committee on Strengthening Multiculturalism in Melbourne last month. Congratulations to Shabnam, Bayu, Cammy and Po who shared the perspectives of young people from diverse backgrounds. 

You can read their statements here and download MYAN's written submission here.

MYAN Australia Youth Ambassadors announced

Top L-R: Grace Edward, Qld.; Magda Gamar, Tas.; Jane Alia, NT; Rasa Islam, WA. 
Bottom L-R: ; Natasha Kumar, ACT; CeCe Hylton-Dei, SA; Tasnia Rafia, Vic.; Narayan Khanal, NSW.
Following a highly competitive process, the next generation of MYAN Youth Ambassadors have been announced! The new Youth Ambassadors Network will spend their first six months learning the ropes from their predecessors before taking over the helm and embarking on a year of national youth advocacy and leadership responsibilities. 

Congratulations to: Natasha Kumar (ACT), Narayan Khanal NSW), Jane Alia (NT), Grace Edward (QLD), CeCe Hylton-Dei (SA), Magda Gamar (TAS), Tasnia Rafi (VIC) and Rasa Islam (WA).

Also, we'd like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to our inaugural YAN members, who worked incredibly hard over the last 18 months to set up the first ever national network of multicultural youth leaders in Australia! Thanks also for sticking around to support the new YAN members as they settle in.

Full bios and more info on the MYAN Youth Ambassadors are available at www.myan.org.au.

Register now for the 2017 MYAN National Conference


Earlybird registrations

Early bird tickets are on sale now - book before August 17 for a 15% discount. Registrations close November 17.

Catalyst 2017

Bringing multicultural young people together to discuss issues important to them, create solutions and to directly express their opinions to politicians and other decision makers, the Catalyst Youth Summit kicked off on July 5 in Perth, WA.

Organised by 12 young people with the support of MYAN WA, in partnership with YACWA, this exciting three-day event saw over fifty young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds from across Western Australia come together to build new connections and friendships, learn new skills and discuss and advocate on issues of importance to them.

This year, teams of delegates were paired with sector mentors to work through their ideas and to help the young people carry their solutions beyond the summit. Politicians and key stakeholders were blown away by the presentations from young people on the topics of identity, inclusion, the justice system, violence and well-being.

Massive shout out from the MYAN WA team to the young organizers and delegates who participated with passion and enthusiasm. We look forward to doing it all over again in the future!

The Catalyst 2017 will be available from the MYAN WA website soon.

Young people take the lead in Queensland

MyQ Youth Council elects new Chair

Meet Sara Abdelrahman, a Queensland based student with a bold vision for the world.

Born in Sudan and raised in Australia, Sara has a strong passion for culture and people. Sara dedicates much of her spare time to volunteering in local community development organisations. She is studying a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Journalism and hopes to one day soon use her skills to give a voice to the voiceless. 
The MyQ Youth Council has been established to provide a platform for young people to advocate for the needs of youth in the community, to provide leadership, and to empower other young people of migrant and refugee backgrounds. Sara’s passion to help people, both young and old in all aspects of life makes her a great role model to people wanting to lead from a youth angle.

Learn more at myq.org.au

MYAN NSW welcomes new crop of Youth Ambassadors

MYAN NSW launched the 2017-18 Multicultural Youth Ambassador program with a rountable with Minister for Multiculturalism, Ray Williams, where young people brought up some key issues like housing affordability for young people and strategies to promote young people's involvement in politics. 

We also welcomed 38 new ambassadors to the program and had our first workshop on July 1. Our first guest presenter was Selena Shannon, a radio producer for FBI, who helped us hone our story telling and interview skills.

Celebrating Multicultural Tasmania 

The red carpet was rolled out in Hobart on June 22 for the launch of Inspire, an innovative and vibrant program of performers and speakers that highlights the talents of people from migrant and refugee backgrounds.


In the media

Check out a recent inspirational installment of Australian Story, Shooting For the Stars, which tells the story of coach Mayor Chagai, a South Sudanese refugee, and his Blacktown basketball team, Savannah Pride. The club is keeping young migrants and refugees off the streets - Thursday night in Blacktown was once referred to as 'fight night'  - mentoring them, providing a homework club, as well as a pathway to a professional basketball career for some (14 players have been recruited to the NBA).

Read the story here or watch the episode here.

2017 Human Rights Awards 

Each year the Australian Human Rights Commission recognise the contribution of individuals and organisations in promoting and protecting human rights and freedoms through the Human Rights Awards.

Hear more from 2016 winner of the Young People's Human Rights Medal Arash Bordbar.

National Youth Settlement Framework Training

Upcoming Training Dates

We are excited to be bringing you a second round of national training on the National Youth Settlement Framework. The Framework is Australia’s first guide to supporting and measuring good practice in youth settlement. This training will equip those working in policy and service delivery with the skills and knowledge to apply the Framework in practice.
Upcoming dates below, head to MYAN's website for more details.

VIC - 28th August & 30th November
NSW - August 2017
WA - August 2017
QLD - September 2017

TAS will also be hosting sessions in 2017,
please check the MYAN website for more dates.

Applying the National Youth Settlement Framework
MYAN wants to hear from you!
We are seeking your feedback on the Framework.
Tell us about how you are using the National Youth Settlement Framework in your work with young people settling in Australia and your ideas for new resources or tools. 


Braveheart Toolkit

MYSA have launched a new toolkit for organisations to deliver a series of modules to young people from refugee backgrounds about how to stay safe from violent relationships in a culturally and age-appropriate way. Learn more.

A Settlement Journey

The Victorian Multicultural Commission have released a new report that draws on learnings from Canada and the US to make a case for a holistic approach to how we settle new arrivals in Victoria. Read the report.
Improving Youth Work 

The EU Youth Program has recently launched a resource looking at ways to measure outcomes and develop quality assurance in youth work programs. The handbook contains examples of various tools for quality development currently used by different organisations across Europe.

Read more.
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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700


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