Launch event – Video link and NYSF document

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NYSF 2020 ed. Launch Event: Important details

Wednesday 1 July 2:00 - 3:30 PM AEST (Melbourne Time)
Thank you for your RSVP to the launch of the National Youth Settlement Framework (NYSF) 2020 edition. We are very excited you are able to join us this Wednesday!

With a formal launch from Alison Larkins, Commonwealth Coordinator-General of Migrant Services, the event will include young people’s perspectives on youth settlement, an introduction to the NYSF and its application in practice, as well as information about upcoming professional development on the NYSF.
There will also be ample time for Q&A.

Please join the meeting a few minutes early as we are planning a prompt 2pm start!

Here is the meeting link:
Password: myan1
We will be using Slido for our Q&A and encourage you to submit your questions to the panel prior to the event. You can also do so during the event with this Slido link:
We are also excited to provide early access to the 
National Youth Settlement Framework 2020 edition:
We look forward to connecting with you on Wednesday, 1 July 2.00 pm - 3.30 pm AEST.

The MYAN team - Nadine, Shannon, Mehak and Andrew
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