May eNews

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Welcome to MYAN's May eNews! As the weather turns colder we seem to get busier! With lots going on around the country, this month's jam packed edition brings you the latest national news, updates on national policymedia features on the Federal Budget 2018-19 and recent developments in government, fantastic opportunities for young people and the sector, and useful resources.

National News

Annual UNHCR Regional Representation NGO Consultations 

Nadine Liddy, MYAN National Coordinator, Apajok Biar (NSW), Arash Bordbar (NSW) and Sara Shengeb (WA) recently represented MYAN Australia at the Annual UNHCR Consultations with Australian NGOs at the Australian National University, Canberra. This was an excellent opportunity to hear from UNHCR, researchers and service providers about  refugee and asylum seeker policy and practice in Australia and the region, including tackling discrimination against young Australians of refugee background.  
MYAN also screened the trailer for Life in Australia: Celebrating young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

This is a trailer for a series of 9 short films hearing from young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds about the refugee and migration experience and settlement in Australia. Contact us to see more!

News from WA

MYAN WA Youth Harmony Week film: Catalyst for Change 

MYAN WA and YACWA partnered for a youth film project in Harmony Week in March.  A group of young people from Catalyst 2017 developed questions and interviewed politicians and community leaders about what Harmony Week means to them.

National Policy 

Just released! MYAN National Data Report: Youth Settlement Trends 2016-2017 

MYAN Australia has recently released a Data Report on Youth Settlement Trends in Australia 2016-2017. This report provides a comprehensive overview of national trends in youth settlement in the Humanitarian and broader Migration Programmes, including state-based information. Read the report here and the snapshot here.
Want to learn more? MYAN is holding a national teleconference today - Tuesday 15th May - to facilitate discussion with stakeholders around what the findings of the data report look like in practice. Visit MYAN's website for more information. 

Department of Home Affairs Discussion Paper on Australia's Humanitarian Programme 2018-19 

The Department of Home Affairs released its Discussion Paper for Australia's Humanitarian Programme 2018-2019 and is accepting submissions until 25th May 2018. MYAN is preparing a submission and is holding a teleconference on 17th May 3-4pm (EST) to hear views from the sector and young people about  Australia’s Humanitarian Programme. Contact  Derya Koksal, MYAN Australia’s Policy and Advocacy Officer for dial-in details.
Inquiry on Review Processes associated with Visa Cancellations made on Criminal grounds

MYAN made a submission to the Inquiry on Review Processes associated with Visa Cancellations made on Criminal grounds. MYAN emphasised the importance of adopting a youth justice approach to respond to anti-social behaviour seen in a small number of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. Read MYAN’s full submission here.

Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee for the Social Services Amendment (Encouraging Self-sufficiency for Newly Arrived Migrants) Bill 2018

MYAN prepared a submission and appeared at the public hearing in Melbourne to the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee for the Social Services Amendment (Encouraging Self-sufficiency for Newly Arrived Migrants) Bill 2018. This focused on young people arriving in Australia on 115 and 117 visas and recommended that the Committee not pass the Bill in its current form. MYAN also prepared additional information supporting the submission. Read it here.

Convention on the Rights of the Child - Australia's progress

The National Children's Commissioner would like to include your views on how Australia is progressing in terms of implementing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). The findings will be included in the Commissioner's Report to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, and in the Commissioner's 2018 'State of the Nation' Report on child rights in Australia.

For more information about this process and how to make a submission, please refer to the Commissioner's website or contact Derya Koksal, MYAN Australia’s Policy and Advocacy Officer, to contribute to MYAN Australia’s submission to the Commissioner. Submissions close on Monday 23rd May 2018.

Watch this video for more information about the CRC and the CRC reporting process.

The Line campaign - research

MYAN is currently working with Our Watch, the national foundation for the prevention of violence against women and their children, on their research project to inform The Line - a campaign encouraging young people to engage in healthy and respectful relationships by challenging and changing problematic attitudes. 

The research includes focus groups and surveys with migrant and refugee parents and we are encouraging parents and young people to complete the surveys. Find the parent survey here and the young people's survey here.

The findings will help to better understand how CALD communities and young people think and talk about healthy and respectful relationships. For further information, email 
Draft 2 of the Global Compact on Refugees

MYAN recently released its response to Draft 2 of the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR). The development of the GCR is an historic moment and MYAN has been engaged in the drafting process, advocating for the inclusion of youth rights in the GCR. We were pleased to see stronger representation of youth needs, rights and capabilities in Draft 2 and believe this could be further strengthened. We have also been involved in the process organised by International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA) to provide a joint response from the NGOs to the GCR Draft 2. MYAN congratulates ICVA for giving young people a platform to make presentations on behalf of NGOs. Two members of UNHCR's Global Youth Advisory Council (GYAC) delivered ICVA’s statements during the last round of formal consultations in Geneva in early May.

Asif Safdary, UNHCR Global Youth Advisory Council (GYAC) delegate, reading one of the NGO statements at the 4th formal consultations on the Global Compact on Refugees in Geneva in May

In the media 

Federal Budget 2018-19: MYAN welcomes fostering integration initiative but where are young people in this budget?

MYAN welcomed the investment in settlement and integration support at the community level as part of the Federal Budget 2018-19, but is concerned that this budget is a missed opportunity to invest in Australia's young people. Read MYAN's Budget Statement.

Further reading on the Federal Budget 2018-19: 

Youth peaks call on Federal Government for commitment to youth 

National Youth Week in April sparked calls for the Federal Government to reinstate a Minister for Youth and commit funding to support a National Youth Week and a nationally funded youth body. Australia's peak bodies for youth services and young people are rallying together to urge the government to take positive actions to bridge its disconnect from young people. Read their joint press release here.
Breakthroughs for multicultural communities and young people in Victoria
A new community-led Action Plan was released by the Victorian Government and the African Ministerial Working Group (AMWG) last month. The first of its kind, the 10-year Action Plan developed by and for African communities aims to build social cohesion and improve the wellbeing of all Victorians of African heritage, with a focus on young people. 

This news in Victoria was followed by further breakthroughs for multicultural communities and young people, with significant investments committed in the 2018/19 State Budget last week. Read CMY's breakdown of what the budget means for multicultural young people.


Permanent migration essential to Australia's sustainable social and economic development

Calls urging the government to maintain Australia's annual permanent migration intake through the launch of the National Compact on Permanent Migration represents an unprecedented movement. The Compact unifies peak industries, union bodies and key community organisations in consensus of the value of the contribution that migrants make and in rejecting any reductions to the scheme. 

The launch of the Compact follows new evidence of huge socio-economic benefits and positive fiscal impact of Australia's migration programme in a report by the Federal Government Treasury and the Department of Home Affairs

Further reading:
Community Refugee Sponsorship Initiative 

Launched in April, the Community Refugee Sponsorship Initiative (CRSI) is calling for policy changes by government to create a system that allows individuals and communities to make contributions via community sponsorship. Identifying concerns around the current Community Support Program (CSP), several organisations have worked together to develop the CRSI - a proposed improved model to harness the generosity of Australians in welcoming refugees into our communities. Read the press release.


Protection & Prevention: Australia's Inaugural Forced Marriage Conference

Tickets are on sale for Australia's Inaugural Forced Marriage Conference, held by the University of Technology Sydney in partnership with My Blue Sky and Anti-Slavery Australia. Ths will take place on 18th & 19th June 2018 at the University of Technology Sydney, NSW. Find tickets here.

Organisers are offering a limited number of partly sponsored tickets with priority given to community based organisations. To apply email


Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) Conference

The 15th Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) Conference will be held on 25 - 27 July 2018 in Melbourne. MYAN has been working with the Building a New Life in Australia (BNLA) research team to hold a symposium on Day 3 on “Young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds in Australia: facilitating the active citizenship”. This will focus on research, policy and practice with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, exploring education, employment, belonging and identity. You can find the Conference program here and register here.

EU-Australia Leadership Forum seeks participation from Emerging Leaders 

The EU-Australia Leadership Forum is looking for promising young leaders from Australia and the EU to take part in the Emerging Leaders Forum/Senior Leaders Forum which will take place in Brussels from 18th to 22nd November 2018. One of several focus areas for roundtables will be 'Movement of people: EU and Australian perspectives'. Apply here by 31st May 2018. 

2018 Fellowship Programme for People of African Descent

Applications are now open for the 2018 Fellowship Programme for People of African Descent. The Fellowship Programme for People of African Descent provides the participants with an intensive learning opportunity to deepen their understanding of the United Nations human rights system, instruments and mechanisms, with a focus on issues of particular relevance to people of African descent. 

PLURAL+ Youth Video Festival 

PLURAL+ Youth Video Festival is a joint initiative of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) that invites the world’s youth to submit original and creative videos focusing on the themes of migration, diversity and social inclusion, recognising youth and storytelling as powerful agents of positive social change. Deadline for video submissions is 3 June 2018. 


The UNESCO Project Planner is an innovative tool developed by UNESCO and the State of Kuwait. 'Top Tips for Youth Action' is available in 6 languages and is designed to help users design and implement a project from planning to evaluation. 

Anti-Slavery Australia has created this Multilingual Resource Kit containing important information about forced labour and forced marriage for students, frontline workers and community members. The Kit includes five key resources explaining risk factors and referral pathways for individuals facing or at risk of forced labour and forced marriage.

DHS has recently released fact sheets about applying Special Benefit for temporary visa holders. The fact sheets are available in Arabic, Pashto, Persian (Farsi), Rohingya and Tamil

YLab Learning is creating immersive, real world learning experiences for young people, and for those working alongside young people.

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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700

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