Media Release- MYAN welcomes change of government

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Tuesday 24 May 2022
Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network Australia welcomes change of government; urges investment in young people
Australia’s national peak body representing the rights and interests of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network Australia (MYAN), congratulates Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and welcomes the results of the 2022 Federal Election with the Labor party to form government.
MYAN says the change in government - which includes a number of elected representatives from multicultural backgrounds and six women independents - brings a renewed sense of optimism, particularly for underrepresented communities.
“We are excited to see better representation and diversity in this parliament, particularly the many candidates from multicultural backgrounds, and more young faces,” MYAN’s National Manager, Rana Ebrahimi said.
“It was a monumental political shift to get away from two party leadership, primarily delivered by youth and women voters.
“Most importantly, this change in government is a fantastic result for refugees and migrants and brings us a great sense of hope for positive changes in Australia’s migration and refugee policies.”
MYAN’s chairperson, Carmel Guerra OAM said: “Young people’s voices around their current issues - such as climate action and cost of living
 - were certainly heard in this election.
“We will continue to lobby for policies which put multicultural young people on the national agenda and ensure young people’s voices are shaping Australian politics.
“We look forward to continuing to work with the incoming government to advance these recommendations in the interests of young people across Australia.”

MYAN urges the incoming government to prioritise youth issues over the next three years and is looking forward to working with the new government in order to advance policies to support multicultural young people including:

  • Establishment of a Federal Youth Advisory Council, made up of young people under 30 from diverse backgrounds
  • A rebuilding of our humanitarian/migration program and reimagine the settlement of young people and their families
  • Promotion of the mental health and wellbeing of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds through significant investment in accessible sports, recreation, arts, youth support, leadership development and employment.
  • Adoption and resourcing of the Australian Human Rights’ Commission proposed and related campaigns and programs.
  • Establishment an advisory body of young people and service providers from diverse backgrounds to advise and invest in national anti-racism initiatives and innovative strategies to combat racism and build social cohesion.
  • Investment in measures that improve industry, regulatory and community responses to cyber-racism, and address its impacts on the mental health and wellbeing for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.
Interviews with spokespeople are available.
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