Media Release- MYAN welcomes Federal Government’s Plans for a New Youth Engagement Model

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Monday 1st August 2022
Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network Australia welcomes Federal Government's Plans for a 
New Youth
Engagement Model 
The government’s recent announcement of their plans to establish a new youth engagement model to provide a voice for younger Australians to directly engage with government and contribute to policy development is welcome news.
MYAN’s chairperson, Carmel Guerra OAM said: “We are thrilled that the government is making plans to embed a formalised system for engagement with young people across Australia,”
“We know from our history of working with young people that they want to contribute meaningfully to the development of policies that impact their lives and futures.”
The restoration of youth consultation to government decision-making is something MYAN has long advocated for, most recently in our 2022 Federal Election Policy Platform.

“This plan acknowledges what MYAN has highlighted for many years-that young people are experts in their own experiences and that for youth policy to be effective, the voices of young people must be embedded in those decision making processes. Their opinions and experiences are critical to shaping the decisions that impact their lives now and into the future.” said Rana Ebrahimi, MYAN’s National Manager.
“This is a fantastic move towards centralising young people's voices at the highest level of government and gives young people hope that they will be taken seriously by the government.”
MYAN affirms the importance of recognising and building on young people’s strengths and capabilities. They have a critical role to play in both responding to and reimagining a post-COVID 19 world. We look forward to working with the government as they takes steps to implement the youth engagement model.

Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (MYAN) is Australia’s peak body representing the rights and interests of young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds.

Interviews with spokespeople are available.
Please contact Rana Ebrahimi
 on 0498437380 or email.
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