MEDIA RELEASE: Welcome Changes to Adult Migrant English Program

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31 August 2020


Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network Australia (MYAN) welcomes changes to the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) recently announced by Acting Immigration Minister Alan Tudge – in particular the removal of time limits for enrolment and completion, including the 510 hours cap, and a new emphasis on ‘vocational’ rather than just ‘functional’ English.

Nadine Liddy, MYAN’s National Manager said, ‘These are progressive changes that will allow greater flexibility for young people who are often juggling their education and career aspirations with other settlement priorities, including employment and family obligations.’

MYAN welcomes greater flexibility within the AMEP as an important change to support the varying needs and skills of young people, both in terms of the eligibility period for AMEP tuition and in terms of teaching and learning styles.

MYAN’s National Youth Settlement Framework identifies English language skills and education as essential foundations for active citizenship - full, equal, and equitable participation in social, economic, and civic life in Australia.

Nadine Liddy added, ‘The AMEP is a key settlement support for young people aged 15-24 whose success in learning English builds social capital and opens up pathways to future study, vocational training and employment.’

‘Settlement programs that are equipped to be flexible and responsive to the particular context and strengths of young people are more likely to result in longer-term successful settlement outcomes.’

MYAN has been working closely with the Department of Home Affairs and AMEP providers across the country to identify how the AMEP can improve youth-focused delivery, and will soon be releasing a Discussion Paper with comprehensive recommendations. 

The changes announced by Minister Tudge are a welcome step in the right direction in strengthening the responsiveness of AMEP to the youth cohort and supporting the improvement of English language outcomes.

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