MYAN congratulates re-elected Morrison government

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MYAN congratulates re-elected Morrison Government

MYAN congratulates the Coalition government on their re-election at Saturday's election.

During the election campaign, MYAN identified eight priority areas for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds in its Election Policy Platform in relation to; Education and Training, Employment, English Language Learning, Settlement Support, Housing, Participation and Inclusion, Health and Well Being and Asylum Seekers and TPVs. 

"45% of all young people in Australia aged 12-24 are either first or second generation migrants (ABS, 2016).  Focused investment and nurturing is required to continue to build and maintain Australia as a successful multicultural society – one that affords all its members opportunities to participate fully and meaningfully."  Carmel Guerra, MYAN Chair.

We look forward to continuing to work with the Morrison government on targeted approaches in policy and service delivery - to foster strength in our diversity and ensure young people can unlock opportunities that lead to full participation in Australian society. 
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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700

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