MYAN eNews April

E-NEWSLETTER Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia) 
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Welcome to the MYAN April 2017 e-news
celebrating National Youth Week

MYAN Youth Ambassadors on SBS News

MYAN NSW Youth Ambassadors Arash Bordbar, Apajok Biar and Tamana Mirzada were interviewed by SBS News about racism and discrimination on Tuesday. Watch the story here.

Inquiry into Migrant Settlement Outcomes

MYAN NSW Youth Ambassadors Arash Bordbar, Apajok Biar and Tamana Mirzada joined MYAN National Coordinator, Nadine Liddy and MYAN NSW Executive Officer, Alex Long at a hearing in Sydney on Tuesday for the Joint Standing Committee on Migration's Inquiry into Migrant Settlement Outcomes. They each made brief statements to the Committee and answered a range of questions about what they think is needed to ensure young people settle well.
L-R: Nadine Liddy, Arash Bordbar, Alex Long, Apajok Biar and Tamana Mirzada.
"This was an important opportunity to highlight the enormous contributions that young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds make to Australia, and discuss the areas where more work is needed", said Nadine Liddy.
"It was an amazing opportunity to talk directly with Government about what matters to us and demonstrate what young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds are capable of", said Apajok. 
Read MYAN Australia's statement to the Committee here and our submission here.

AYAC calls for a Minister for Youth

MYAN Australia supported the Australian Youth Affairs Coalition (AYAC) in calls last week for a Minister for Youth. In the lead up to Youth Week, young people across Australia were encouraged to contact their local MPs to prompt a question on the floor about the lack of a youth voice in Federal policy making.
30 MPs were contacted, resulting in NXT MP Ms Sharkie, Independent MP Ms McGowan and Senator Skye Kakoschke-Moore putting forward motions in both houses for a Minister for Youth. Here's what happened: 
Watch more here.
While we have the momentum, let's keep youth on the agenda: send a message to Prime Minister Turnbull here.

SBS National Youth Week Film Competition

Young Australians aged 15 to 24  were asked to submit a 30 second film pitch to SBS illustrating their unique identity, after which five winners were chosen to attend a week-long film making and storytelling workshop in Melbourne last month. At the end of the workshop, each winner turned their short film idea into a reality for youth week.  
Watch these fantastic films, exploring topics like racial prejudice, homelessness, and Indigenous storytelling, here:

CFCA Webinar - supporting young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds

John De Maio, Pilar Rioseco-Lopez, Nadine Liddy and Heather Stewart
Last week MYAN's National Coordinator Nadine Liddy presented at a AIFS CFCA webinar on supporting young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. The webinar brought together research and practice, with presentations on youth data from the AIFS longitudinal research Building a New Life in Australia, an update on the MYAN's National Youth Settlement Framework, and CMY's MY Family project. Over 350 individuals attended the webinar, representing more than 120 organisations across Australia. Learn more here.


National snapshot of youth arrivals

Check out our latest National Snapshot of Refugee & Migrant Young People Settling in Australia July 2015 - June 2016 here. A more detailed Info Sheet coming soon.
Don't forget to register your interest for the

National Multicultural Youth Conference 

MYAN Australia, in partnership with University of Melbourne, are hosting a national multicultural youth conference on the 23 & 24 November 2017 (Melbourne) that will combine research, policy & practice. 
Register your interest today
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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700

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