MYAN Federal Budget 2018 Statement

MYAN (Australia) Federal Budget 2018 Statement 
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Federal Budget 2018
MYAN welcomes fostering integration initiative but where are young people in this budget?

The $5 million investment through the Fostering Integration Grants is a welcome measure and particularly significant given the role that young people play in supporting the integration of their families and communities and building social cohesion. 
In addition, MYAN is pleased to see the Government’s response to the sector’s calls for changes to AMEP for under 18 year olds.  This increased flexibility for young people under 18 accessing AMEP will allow them to consolidate their English language skills.
We also welcome:
  • The potential for improved support to humanitarian arrivals through the Streamlining Services for Refugees, with increased flexibility to build English language skills and employment support.
  • $3.6 million over four years to establish the Anti-Slavery Unit in Home Affairs
  • Reinstatement of SBS’s base funds of $8.7 million, although we are concerned that this is dependent on the passing of legislation to allow SBS additional advertising flexibility
  • Investment in rural, regional and remote education and training
  • $200 million for apprenticeships and traineeships
“However, we are concerned that this budget is a missed opportunity to invest in Australia’s young people, particularly with high youth unemployment.”
“We are also concerned about the impact of some budget measures on young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, who often carry the disproportionate burden of high youth unemployment”, said MYAN National Coordinator, Nadine Liddy.
The 12 months extension for newly arrived migrants to access welfare benefits under the Encouraging Self-Sufficiency in Newly Arrived Migrants measure will have significant impact on newly arrived families.  Support at that early stage is important for the integration process to allow them to move towards self sufficiency.
We call on the federal government to give greater attention to the contribution that migrant and refugee young people can make to multicultural Australia. 
MYAN (Australia) Contacts 

Nadine Liddy, National Coordinator - 0437 897 178
Carmel Guerra, Chair - 0417 300 277
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