MYAN National Teleconference COVID-19 – Tuesday 21 April

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We want to hear from you!

MYAN is convening regular sector meetings to highlight the impact of COVID-19 on young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, and those working with them.  The focus of this second meeting is on good practice initiatives and solutions.

MYAN continues to work to ensure that the safety, rights, and interests of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds are protected and upheld in the COVID-19 public health crisis. Through our engagement with young people and the sector, MYAN continues to hear about the impact of COVID-19 on young people, and the organisations who work with them. We know that those who already face access and equity barriers are more acutely impacted by this pandemic.

As requested by the sector, MYAN will be holding regular national sector online meetings for the next few months. These will be important opportunities for national cross-sector networking and information-sharing. Our next meeting:
When: Tuesday 21st of April at 12PM-2PM AEST

Meeting Link:

The password for the meeting will be provided after you RSVP below:
For this meeting, we ‘re particularly interested in hearing from you about good practice initiatives by organisations and young people to respond to the socio-economic and health impacts of COVID-19. While there will be an opportunity to raise newly emerging issues/concerns, we would like this meeting to focus on highlighting innovative practice across sectors.

Please note we have lifted our cap on participants from 100 to 500 to ensure that no one will be blocked from joining the meeting.

Please RSVP and share with your networks by clicking on the links below!

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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700

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