National Consultation Productivity Inquiry into Mental Health

Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
             National Consultation




National Consultation

Productivity Inquiry into Mental Health

We want to hear from you!



MYAN invites you to a national teleconference on the Productivity Commission's Inquiry into the Social and Economic Benefits of Improving Mental Health.

We are preparing a submission to the Inquiry and will include views from around Australia on the experiences and social and economic benefits of improving mental health for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. We would like to hear from you!
When: 12:00 - 1:00pm (AEDST), Monday 18th March 2019
Where: Teleconference                           
Dial-in details: 03 0340 3747 or 0385796844 (from your mobile or landline)
Conference ID: 97127



This Inquiry will examine the effect of mental health on people’s ability to participate in and prosper in the community and workplace, and the effects it has more generally on our economy and productivity.

It will look at how governments across Australia, employers, professional and community groups in healthcare, education, employment, social services, housing and justice can contribute to improving mental health for people of all ages and cultural backgrounds.

More information on the Productivity Commission website or in the Issues Paper.

Teleconference questions

This teleconference will explore some key areas of the Inquiry with reference to young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

We want to hear from you about the barriers and facilitators for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds in accessing mental health support - particularly in the areas of health, education and social inclusion.   The key questions for discussion are:

Health workforce
  • Does the configuration and capabilities of the professional health workforce need to change to improve where and how care is delivered?
  • If so, how should the workforce differ from current arrangements?
  • Are there good practice examples that demonstrate this?
  • Do students in all levels of education and training have access to adequate mental health related support and education?
  • If not what are the gaps?
  • How effective are mental health‑related supports and programs in Australian education and training settings in providing support to students?
  • How effective are programs in educating staff, students and families, on mental health and well-being?
  • What interventions are most effective? What evidence exists to support your assessment?
  • Do teachers/staff receive adequate training on mental health?
Social inclusion:
  • What role do NGOs play in supporting mental health through social inclusion and participation, and what more should they do?
Yes, there are a lot! But we hope to cover most and can follow-up for more information post the teleconference.

If you are unable to attend the teleconference but would like to provide input, please contact us at

Copyright © 2016 MYAN (Australia)

Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
c/- 304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700