National Sector consult – COVID 19 vaccine among multicultural communities (copy 01)

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National Sector (online) consultation - COVID-19 vaccine communications among multicultural communities
Concerns about the spread of COVID-19 remain, and although vaccines are widely available, there remains some hesitancy in vaccine uptake.

MYAN is hosting an online sector consultation to identify the work done so far to encourage vaccine uptake. The consultation will focus on how the sectors and their members have worked towards stopping the spread of COVID-19 and encouraged vaccination within multicultural communities across Australia. Particularly the various strategies and plans used.

The outcome of the consultation will:

1. Contribute to an improved evidence base detailing the experiences/challenges of vaccine intake among members of the multicultural communities .

2. What strategies and plans have been helped tackle the barriers and challenges.

3. Locate the gaps and inform a report that highlights the data and outlines good practice, gaps in the sector’s capabilities and recommendations for government and service providers.

To register, click on the link below.

Please note, agenda and consultation questions will be shared closer to the date.
Register now
Whether you are a researcher, community worker, health professional, policymaker or consumer, we want to hear from you! Findings from this consultation will be shared with the Australian Department of Health who will use this information to assist in informing their upcoming communication strategies regarding the COVID-19 vaccine.

Findings from this consultation will be shared with the Department of Health who will use this information to assist in informing their upcoming communication strategies regarding the COVID-19 vaccine.

For any queries, please email MYAN Communication and Engagement Officer, Dr Ali Saha.
To view MYAN's COVID-19 Vaccine advocacy strategies and plans click here.

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