National Youth-Led Mental Health Panel EDM#1

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You are invited!

MYAN invites you to our National Panel on Monday 12 July 5:30-7:00pm led by young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds who will explore mental health through their lived experience as cultural navigators and educators.

This panel aims to provide practical, robust and long-term solutions to improve the livelihood of young people. The discussion will focus on the relationship between education and mental health and how each converges in shaping young people's lives in Australia.

Young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds often face additional barriers that prevent engagement in mental health services. This may include stigmas and expectations that are heightened in migrant communities.

This panel is an important part of acknowledging young people’s expertise in their own mental health issues and driving solutions from their own experiences.

By attending this panel you will be hearing practical solutions from young leaders from MYAN who will be sharing unique insights into creating sustainable change in mental health.

RSVP for the National Youth-Led Panel
We look forward to seeing you on the 12th of July!

The MYAN team
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