National Youth Week 2017

Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network
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In the lead up to National Youth Week, MYAN supports the Australian Youth Affairs Coalition (AYAC) in their call for a Minister for Young People.


Calls for a Minister for Young People as government fails to make gains for young Australians

Today, Prime Minister Turnbull will be pressed to answer how his government is making progress for young constituents and youth issues.

Young people across Australia last week contacted their local MP to seek answers, while NXT MP Ms Sharkie and Independent MP Ms McGowan will today put forward a motion for a Minister for Young People.
“What young Australians want is someone within the halls of power who will wake up every day and consider how this Government can do the right thing by young people” said Ms Acheson, Chair of the Australian Youth Affairs Coalition (AYAC).

In 2014 the Abbott Government cut not only the youth portfolio but funding to the national peak for young people, single-handedly erasing 3 decades of government and non-government investment in young people.

“This has had a destructive effect on Australia’s young people," said Ms Acheson. "Youth unemployment is over 2 times the rate of the general population and Australia now has one of the world’s highest rates of underemployment, which hits young people the hardest."

The education system is failing to properly support and transition young people into the jobs of the future. Most young people are being locked out of the housing market or taking on more debt than ever before to own their own home. Unfairly, some young people have even less opportunities, just because of their background, location or identity. Many young people are experiencing severe disadvantage, poverty or homelessness – a tragedy in a rich country like Australia.

“As the future taxpayer base in an ageing population, this should be a concern for all Australians," said Ms Acheson.  "For a better future for us all, young people need a stake in our country. Instead, this Government continues to ignore this looming crisis.

“Young Australians want to be heard on issues that impact their lives. They want to help solve the challenges they and their communities face. But the Australian Government has yet to put in place official mechanisms for young people to connect with or be heard by Government. This is despite repeated calls from young people, the community sector, and now from within government itself.”

The Federal Government currently has no Minister for Youth to lead government policy and has failed to fund a national voice for young people.

The Australian Youth Affairs Coalition urges the Turnbull Government to:

• Appoint a Minister for Young People
• Commit to fund the national voice for young people the Australian Youth Affairs
• Guarantee ongoing National Youth Week funding, and celebrate all young people’s
contributions to our country.
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