November eNews

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Welcome to MYAN's November eNews!
Read on for a recap on MYAN's latest National News, achievements of the Youth Ambassadors Network (YAN) 2019 and unveiling of our YAN2020, survey feedback from the National Youth Settlement Framework,  and upcoming opportunities, events and resources!

MYAN meets Michelle Bachelet: United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights & Former President of Chile, Sydney
Top (L-R): Mr. Chin Tan (Race Commissioner, Australian Human Rights Commission), Ms Ravina Shamdasani (Deputy Spokesperson, UN High Commissioner on Human Rights), Joseph F. Kolapudi (MYQ), Ali-Raza Yusafzai (MYAN NSW), Nadine Liddy (MYAN Australia), Lisa Lewis (MYAN NSW), Apolina Balebanga (MYQ), Titan (Sebit Gurech), Amran Abdi (CMY), Rory Mungovin (International Labour Organization's Liaison Officer, Myanmar)
Bottom (L-R): Brutukan Melkamu (MYAN TAS), Dr. Michelle Bachelet (United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights), Megan Mitchell (National Children's Commissioner).
MYAN was delighted to have an exclusive meeting with Dr. Michelle Bachelet as part of The Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) human rights conference ‘Free and Equal’. Dr. Bachelet spoke emphatically about the importance of including young people’s voices in decision-making at all levels, and their critical role as leaders and change agents. She also applauded the way young people consistently demonstrate creative, out-of-the-box thinking, and their inspiring ability to support and care for one another in pursuit of better futures. MYAN youth representatives spoke passionately about what human rights mean to them, including: the importance of targeted approaches in education, the impact of racism and discrimination, intersectionality, expectations of the ‘refugee’ label, experiences as young asylum seekers and intergenerational leadership. Thanks to the AHRC for the opportunity!

Amran Abdi, a Somali Australian author, poet, Early Childhood educator and Shout Out speaker with CMY, was one of the attendees.

“Meeting Michelle was absolutely fantastic, I loved how candid she was and how much belief she had in us as young people driving grassroots change,” Amran said.

“When we left the meeting I remember feeling so moved by everything that happened. As a result I launched my not-for-profit organisation that provides business mentorship for young African people aged fifteen to thirty.”
News from Young Leaders  
Reflecting on the achievements of the Youth Ambassadors Network (YAN) 2019 as we welcome the YAN 2020
(L-R) Jane Alia, Tasnia Rafi, Narayan Khanal, Magda Mohamed Gamar,
Grace Edward, Cece Hylton-Dei, Rasa Islam
This year our 2019 Youth Ambassadors Network (YAN) has been incredibly busy both locally on the ground, and as advocates for their states and territories on a national level. Some of their achievements include:
  • Organising and facilitating FUSE 2019, MYAN's national multicultural youth summit
  • Facilitating consultations on employment issues for young people nationally
  • Presenting at national consultations, forums and parliamentary hearings
  • Digital advocacy for Refugee Week and International Youth Week
A big thank you and congratulations to Narayan Khanal (NSW), Rasa Islam (WA), Cece Hylton-Dei (SA), Grace Edward (QLD), Tasnia Rafi (VIC), Jane Alia (NT) and Magda Mohamed Gamar (TAS) – your hard work and passion has been inspiring, and we look forward to following your journeys and continuing to work with you in the future.   

We would also like to thank all the brilliant young people who applied for the next YAN. The vast array of life experience and academic and professional accomplishments across the candidates was very impressive, and after a tough selection process we are excited to introduce our YAN 2020: Swathi Shanmukhasundaram (VIC), Maria Domina Augustine (NSW), Mary Maselina Harm (QLD), Mostafa Karimi (TAS), Mfaume Kakozi (NT) and Zahra Al Hilaly (WA).

Watch this space for monthly profiles and updates on these new ambassadors!
National News  
Federation of Ethnic Communities Council of Australia Inc. (FECCA) 2019 Conference, Hobart
(L-R) Chudier Ruben (CMY Ballarat Youth Advisor), former Socceroo & SBS sports analyst Craig Foster,
Kodjo Lunorphare Folly (CMY Ballarat Youth Advisor), Carmel Guerra (MYAN Chair & CMY CEO),
Ann Foley (Executive Officer, Ballarat Regional Multicultural Council)
MYAN was excited to join around 500 delegates at the FECCA conference in Hobart in October

We were delighted to see youth perspectives in multiple sessions, with many in MYAN networks presenting on their work. 
MYAN Chairperson Carmel Guerra was a panellist along with Cammy Lu (CMY) and Amiel Nubaha (MYQ) in a session on intergenerational leadership and Nadine Liddy, MYAN’s National Manager, chaired a session on youth leadership.
MyQ spoke about their youth leadership model, Mohammed Yassin (CMY) discussed refugee settlement, and Ballarat Youth Advisors Chudier Ruben and Kodjo Lunorphare Folly (CMY) shared insights on interKultura football tournament and the power of football in supporting settlement. MYTAS also shared their ‘MY Step into Work’ program offering work experience opportunities, career advice, and training to support young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. Learn more about this initiative, funded by the Scanlon Foundation, here
Australian Migration and Settlement Awards, Canberra
(L-R) Bao Hoang (CMY Board Member), Dani Khano (Welcome Football community champion), Carmel Guerra (MYAN Chair, CMY CEO), Dominic Matiang (CMY Multicultural Youth Worker), Saron Seid (Girma's daughter), Girma Seid (CMY Multicultural Youth Worker), Ed Alexander (CMY Project Officer), Soo-Lin Quek (CMY Executive Manager)
The 2019 Australian Migration and Settlement Awards were held at Parliament House in Canberra. We are over the moon to announce that Girma Seid, a Multicultural Youth Worker with CMY, won Case Worker of the Year 2019!
The award recognised an individual who has performed beyond expectations in the settlement of newly-arrived refugees or migrants. Read more about Girma’s approach to working with young people here.  Ed Alexander and the Welcome Football crew of Community Champions (CMY) were also finalists in the category of Sports Leadership, recognizing innovative programs and strategies including new migrants from diverse backgrounds. Congratulations to all, what an honour!
(L-R) Girma Seid, The Honourable Anthony Albanese MP
Congratulations MYAN NSW!
MYAN NSW representatives attending the Awards ceremony
(L-R, Top-Bottom) Vanessa Charvez, Abdallah Altibi, Hannah Lai, Alex Long, Parwin Taqawi, Holla David, Muhadissa Haidari, Mahmood Mahmood, Rowena Tran, Inderpreet Singh
MYAN NSW staff were thrilled not only to attend Youth Action’s NSW Youth Work Awards 2019, but also take home the Winner of Outstanding Work with Diverse Young People award! Presented by the Honourable Penny Sharpe MLC, the award was in one of 11 categories celebrating individuals and service providers making outstanding contributions in the youth sector. Well done team, keep up the amazing work!
International Association for Youth Mental Health's 5th International Conference on Youth Mental Health, Brisbane
CMY youth advisor and Shout Out speaker Swathi Shanmukhasundaram and
MYAN Chair Carmel Guerra in plenary session 'A Better Future Society, Envisaged' 
The 5th International Conference on Youth Mental Health, ‘United for Global Change’ focused on strengthening international connections to make real and positive change for young people around the world. MYAN Chair & CMY CEO Carmel Guerra spoke on a plenary on inclusion and empowerment, and was joined by CMY youth advisor and YAN2020 representative for VIC Swathi Shanmukhasundaram who shared her own experiences and stressed the importance of tailoring mental health services to refugee and migrant young people. Social media quotes and praise came in thick and fast during the event – excellent work Carmel and Swathi!

CRC30 Convention on the Rights of the Child 30 years Conference, Melbourne
(L-R) Jordan Lambert (World Vision Australia), Shadab Safa (CMY), Eva Massey (UNICEF Youth Ambassador), Josh Brittain (UNICEF Youth Ambassador), Beth Dewhurst (student)
The CRC30 Conference this month was a collaborative event between World Vision Australia, The Univerity of Melbourne, The Australian Human Rights Commission and the Australian Child Rights Task Force, and took place on the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Presenters included Mikiko Otani, Member of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, Claire Rogers, CEO of World Vision Australia, and Vanessa John, winner of World Vision Vanuatu's 2019 poetry slam competition. 

CMY Shout Out speaker Shadab Safa did a great job representing MYAN on a Youth panel discussion. He spoke about how crucial it is for decision-makers to remember how drastically different the experiences of children and young people are around the world, and how these differences affect the issues that matter to them most.   

Megan Mitchell, the National Children's Commissioner,  also launched 'Children's Rights in Australia: a scorecard'. The scorecard tells the story of how well children’s rights are protected and promoted across Australia and holds Australian Governments to account for the well-being of our children, now and into the future. 
National Policy
National Youth Settlement Framework - Survey Feedback 

Thank you to all who participated in MYAN’s National Youth Settlement Framework Review Survey! We know from your feedback that the NYSF is a valuable tool for enhancing the settlement outcomes of young people, the purpose of the NYSF is clear, and that it is being used in practice across a range of sectors. Click on the snapshot for more findings from the survey and stay tuned for details of the revised NYSF release date.
Review into Integration, Employment and Settlement Outcomes for Refugees and Humanitarian Entrants

MYAN welcomed the release of the report on independent Review into Integration, Employment and Settlement Outcomes for Refugees and Humanitarian Entrants last week, including the commitment from the Federal Government to support a range of recommendations included in the report. MYAN notes the inclusion on youth, specifically the issues raised regarding barriers to employment and education faced by many young people and their experiences of racism and discrimination. MYAN prepared a submission to the Review, calling for a range of improvements in the delivery of more targeted settlement support for young people. We look forward to working with government in progressing the Report recommendations to ensure that young people receive the targeted support they need to realise their potential in Australia. 

You can read MYAN's submission here, the Shergold report on Review into Integration, Employment and Settlement Outcomes for Refugees and Humanitarian Entrants here and the Government response here.
'Nationhood, National Identity and Democracy' Submission

MYAN recently prepared a submission to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee's Inquiry into 'Nationhood, National Identity and Democracy' and information about the inquiry and submissions published by the committee are now available on the committee's website here. Read MYAN's submission here.

To ensure that the submission was informed by the views  of young people from around Australia, consultations were held in New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria and with members of our National Youth Advisory Network (YAN) and Victoria's Youth Advisory Group (YAG).  Young people shared their views on what factors influence and shape concepts of identity, providing relevant and valuable perspectives on these important issues. A national consultation was also held with sector representatives who provided important insight from their experiences of working directly with young people.
Mission Australia Youth Survey

The Mission Australia Youth Survey is the largest annual survey of young people of its kind in Australia. It provides a platform for young people aged 15 to 19 to share their values, aspirations and concerns. The Youth Survey provides a platform for young people to ‘speak up’ about the issues they are concerned about and offers valuable insights into the experiences, concerns, challenges and ambitions of young people living in Australia. The Mission Australia youth survey 2019 report finds young people in Australia are most concerned about mental health, the environment and equity and discrimination. Read the full report here
2019 Mapping Social Cohesion Survey

The Scanlon Foundation has released the 2019 Mapping Social Cohesion Report which explores Australians’ attitudes on issues including immigration, discrimination, trust in government, and sense of belonging. Now in its twelfth year, the report is the largest and longest-running research series of its kind. The Scanlon Foundation surveys find a consistently high level of endorsement of multiculturalism and the Report contains a wealth of significant information that is important to understanding the Australian society of today, its views on immigration, multiculturalism, democracy and expectations for the future. The full report can be accessed here and the results can also be viewed on this interactive website.
Upcoming National Conferences & Opportunities
20-21 April 2020: Youth Futures Summit into Youth Employment
Early bird tickets for the Youth Futures Summit into Youth Employment and Transitions go on sale on the 28th of November. The Youth Futures Summit is a 2-day event in Melbourne that will bring together hundreds of diverse people nationally across multiple sectors and communities to understand the problems and challenges young people face today in education, employment, and transitions from education to employment. Get tickets here.

Harvard launches free online course on Children’s Human Rights

Harvard University is launching a free massive open online course on Child Protection: Children’s Rights in Theory and Practice. The course, which has a duration of 14 weeks and requires a commitment of 4 to 6 hours per week, is taught in English. You will learn about the foundations of child protection in international human rights law, identify child protection issues around the world, and explore the severe impact violence and exploitation have on the development of children. You will also discover strategies to prevent these harms and learn how you can strengthen the child protection system. While the course contents are available for free, you may opt-in for a verified Harvard certification for an extra fee.


‘Australian teenagers are reporting increasing rates of psychological distress'
An SBS article discussing mental health challenges amongst teenagers, in particular girls and young women and young people of migrant and refugee backgrounds. Features Swathi Shanmukhasundaram, one of CMY’s youth advisors and Shout Out speakers.

‘At the crossroad: Unaccompanied and separated children in the transition to adulthood in Italy’: 
Commissioned by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), this research is an overview of trends and possible pathways of transition to adult life for unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) in Italy.

‘For every child, every right - The Convention on the Rights of the Child at a crossroads’ - UNICEF:
UNICEF has published a report in connection with the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The report both celebrates the achievements of the past three decades and highlights issues that need urgent attention in the child protection space.

‘Future Tense’ by Gina Song – The New York Times (NYT), Australian Letter: 
The New York Times photography exhibit ‘Hard Truths’ was showcased at the University of Melbourne, and students were subsequently given this provocation: ‘What has your life experience and the experience of those around you taught you about global migration?’  Read the fantastic winning submission by Gina Song.


'Children Deprived of Liberty - The United Nations Global Study‘:
This UN General Assembly report is a summary of the Global Study's findings on children deprived of liberty around the world. The Global Study, led by Professor Manfred Nowak, has the core objectives of assessing the magnitude of the phenomenon, documenting promising practice and the views and experiences of these children, highlighting the need to combat stigma towards them and making law, policy and practice recommendations.
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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
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