NYSF survey

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How are you using the National Youth Settlement Framework? 

We want to hear from you!
National Youth Settlement Framework (NYSF) Survey
It's now almost 3 years since MYAN released the National Youth Settlement Framework (NYSF) - Australia's first national framework to support and benchmark good practice in youth settlement. Since its release in 2016, over 1000 people have participated in NYSF training, webinars and workshops across Australia, ​and we have presented on the NYSF globally, including delivering training with settlement services in New Zealand. The NYSF is utilised across sectors and within government to inform policy and service delivery.  
3 years on and MYAN is updating elements of the NYSF in order to ensure its currency and relevance, with the plan to release this revised version in September 2019. The revised version has been informed by valuable feedback from our state and territory partners, training participants and those of you who have been using the Framework in your work with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. We are updating outdated context, adding a new section on youth work, adding 2 new good practice capabilities ('Measuring Outcomes' and a 'Rights-Based approach') and redesigning the practice tools.
But….we’d like to hear from the sector once again as we know that many of you will have current feedback. We are also seeking specific examples of how organisations have applied the Framework in practice.
We have developed this survey to capture your valuable input into how the NYSF is being used and its value, and to identify case studies/examples of how it is being used in practice. This will ensure that the NYSF continues to enable services to respond more effectively to the settlement needs of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.
The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete and can be found here.
If you have any queries about the survey, please contact Shannon White, MYAN's Policy and Advocacy Officer at shannon@myan.org.au
Please note that the survey will close 8th August, 2019  5.00 pm AET
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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700


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