October 2021 eNews (copy 01)

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Save the Date!

Save the date for FUSE 2021! A national two-day summit multicultural youth leadership summit hosted by MYAN Australia and focused on building the leadership, advocacy and community organising skills of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

FUSE is designed to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, confidence, resources and network to engage and overcome barriers to meaningful participation, and providing the platforms to have their voices heard - to influence policy and programming agendas and create positive change in their communities, and at the state and national levels.

More details to come soon.
#WhatsYourWhy campaign
MYAN has launched the #WhatsYourWhy campaign to share reasons for getting the COVID-19 vaccine and inspire others.

Everyone has their own important stories to tell, but not every story is heard, so we want to amplify your stories through our platform and network. Sharing your reason for getting the COVID-19 vaccine will play a valuable role in influencing public opinion and perspectives on the COVID-19 vaccinations. Your message can help keep your friends, family and community safe.

To participate in this campaign, share a 15-20 second video with your reason ('WHY') for getting a vaccine by:

  • Step 1: Post your video on your social media page (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter)

  • Step 2: Use #WhatsYourWhy and tag @MYANAustralia

You can also submit your video through our GOOGLE FORM.

Submit your video by 15th October to go in the running to win one of two $100 gift vouchers. Your stories will be re-shared by MYAN and you might also be the next #WhatsYourWhy face. For more details, log onto: https://myan.org.au/covid-19-support/

So what are you waiting for? Submit your stories now!

*The Gift voucher is valid only for young people 30 and under from CALD backgrounds, but we encourage everyone to share their stories.

Culture Festival
Hosted by LeadPeace, Generation Ratify and MYAN
MYAN along with two American based advocacy organizations LeadPeace and Generation Ratify hosted a two day- online Culture Festival on September 18 and 19.
On Day 1, the participants discussed identity along with panels on 'Standing in Your Power' and on self-care during advocacy. While on Day 2,  we had speakers talking about embracing one’s culture as a young leader, followed by a panel on Radical Feminism in the 21st Century focusing at the intersectionalities and history of the gender equality movement.

Thank you to the organisers, panelist and the participants for bringing forth the relevant topics and for being a part of the wonderful festival.
COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout
Stakeholder Pack
COVID-19 Vaccines Multicultural Outreach - September 2021

Federal Department of Health: COVID-19 Vaccines Updates

COVID-19 vaccination now open to children 12 years and older: Children aged 12 years and older can now book an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccine. 

The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) recommends the Comirnaty (Pfizer) or Spikevax (Moderna) vaccine for people 12 years and older. 

It’s natural for children to be curious and to have lots of questions about COVID-19 vaccinations. The Department of Health has provided some tips for speaking to children before and after they receive a vaccine. 

Check out for various resources here:

How to speak to kids about COVID-19 vaccines

COVID-19 vaccine information for teens and parents/guardians

 Get information about the COVID-19 vaccine in your language here

Thinking about vaccine WHAT IF's?
Bust some COVID19 vaccination myths here
Policy and Advocacy
Inquiry into the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Consistent Waiting Periods for New Migrants) Bill 2021

On Monday 13th September, Rana Ebrahimi (MYAN’s National Manager) and Martika Shakoor (MYAN’s Youth Leadership and Advocacy Officer) attended the Inquiry into the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Consistent Waiting Periods for New Migrants) Bill 2021. Presenting alongside the Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils for Australia (FECCA)  and Economic Justice Australia, MYAN raised a number of concerns about how the proposed changes to waiting periods around Family tax benefit, carer payments and parental leave pay would negatively impact the wellbeing of Australian migrants and social cohesion and community.

MYAN highlighted that the proposed changes would negatively impact children and their parents, particularly single parents and people with disability or those with long-term health conditions and their carers. We also expressed concerns  that the proposed changes would expose vulnerable women and their children to risks of poverty, domestic violence, and exploitation, particularly at a time when Australia's social and economic landscapes are still being negatively impacted by the COVID pandemic.

We know that ensuring new residents feel welcomed and secure is integral to social cohesion, and supporting migrants is an investment in the Australian economy and everyone’s futures.

We strongly oppose measures to limit access to income support and social protection for newly arrived migrants. Access to the social safety net should only and always be determined based on need.

See here for MYAN’s Submission

Training and Opportunities
The National Youth Settlement Framework (NYSF) 2021 trainings

The National Youth Settlement Framework (NYSF) 2021 edition remains Australia’s first and only evidence-based national guide to benchmark good practice with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. 

NYSF is conducting various training sessions to supporting good settlement outcomes for multicultural young people. The trainings are conducted to:

  • Build skills and knowledge to enhance skills of young people from multicultural backgrounds
  • Hear directly from young people about best practice
  • Learn how to support young people to reach their potential as active citizens
  • Receive lots of resources to support ongoing learning
See below to register for the NYSF training in your state


Multicultural Youth Affairs Network NSW, will be hosting the Supporting Good Settlement Outcomes for Multicultural Young People, on October 14th and 21st 2021. This will consist of interactive sessions employing the National Youth Settlement Framework.

For more details and to register click below.



Multicultural Youth Queensland is organising a 1-day training session on 9th November 2021. Delivered face to face, this training is targeted to staff and volunteers from government and non-government organisations in Queensland, who seek to strengthen their knowledge and practice supporting young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

For more details and to register click below.

Youth Sector Grants Scheme 2021
YACWA's Youth Sector Grants Scheme, supported by Lotterywest, is now open to funding requests between $2,000 - $10,000 for organisations, collectives and community groups working with young people seeking to bolster their existing activities. This is an exciting opportunity for youth services to increase their organisational capacity, reinvigorate interrupted programs, deepen youth engagement and improve mental health and wellbeing outcomes for young people (aged 10 - 25 years) in Western Australia.

Applications close 5 PM Monday, 11 October 2021.

Apply now

Codebreakers' Submissions are open! 

Codebreakers is keen to showcase the voices and work of young people from across West & South West Sydney.

Poetry, Art, Essay, Speech and even Tiktok - we welcome all forms of expression and exploration around the theme of belonging and identity.

Chosen pieces will be paid $60 - $100

This submission round closes 31st October!

Apply here
New training: Involving young people in community groups and committees

YACWA has developed a new training, ideal for local government authorities who want to support their community groups and resident organisations to recruit and support younger members. This 2 1/2 hour workshop covers the benefits and challenges of involving young people, what motivates them to get involved, how to develop a youth-friendly culture, how to reach out to young people and what practical things you need to consider to support meaningful youth participation.
This workshop is co-facilitated with young people and includes a youth panel and case studies. One local government said: "We’ve been raving about what a fabulous session it was. It was great to have some really original content, beautifully crafted and presented. I have actually attended a few community meetings and heard people speak of some of the learnings from that night". 

For more information or to get a quote contact Lianda on 9227 5440 or lianda@yacwa.org.au.

FECCA along with the Federal Government and other organisations is calling out applications for CALD COVID-19 Health Small Grants Fund. This Fund will help multicultural community groups to lead grassroots communication activities around COVID-19 and the vaccination rollout, targeting CALD communities.

Supporting children’s wellbeing when working with separating parents
Supporting children’s wellbeing when working with separating parents is a webinar, co-produced by CFCA andEmerging Minds on 13th October 2021. This will explore practitioners’ child-centered work with separating parents to support the child’s wellbeing and parent–child relationship. In particular it will explore:
  • The importance of understanding the impacts of separation on children when working with parents
  •  How to work with separating parents in child-centred ways to promote the parent–child relationship and children’s wellbeing
  • How to work with distressed parents and navigate disagreements. 
To register click here.
4th National Settlement Conference - Building the Future Together, 3rd Feb 2022

The Settlement Council of Australia, the peak body for settlement services, is  set to host their fourth National Settlement Conferencebringing together key innovators to highlight achievements and develop strategies for building a positive multicultural future. 

To know more and participate- Click here

The Youth Futures Summit is Back!
Save the date - 5-7th April, 2022

Tackle the biggest challenge facing people of today and co-design the future of tomorrow in this event hosted by National Youth Commission Australia.

Last year, the world was devastated by COVID-19, and young people were some of the most impacted with rising levels of youth unemployment and underemployment, increasing debt for young people, disruption to school and education, serious mental health challenges, and more.  We needed to come together to confront our generation defining struggles and create a vision for life beyond the pandemic.
YFS will focus on creating long-lasting changes that will empower and encourage young people for generations to come.

Learn more

One Young World 2022 Summit, May 2022

The One Young World 2022 Tokyo Summit will take place in May 2022, with over 2,000 young leaders from 190+ countries using the summit as a platform to demonstrate the increasing importance of young leaders and the value they create in the world today. This year's summit will be visited by delegates from influential political, business and humanitarian backgrounds such as Justin Trudeau, Paul Polman and Meghan Markle, amongst many other global figures.

 To participate, click here.

In the Media
Humanitarian visas to refugees from Afghanistan 
RCOA is calling on the government to provide an additional 20,000 humanitarian visas to refugees from Afghanistan in a new brief.  

Along with the Afghan Australian Advocacy Network and other organisations, RCOA sees the urgent need to go beyond the current 2021-22 Humanitarian Program ceiling of 13,750 places to accommodate people at increased risk after the Taliban seized control of the country last month.

In considering the case for additional humanitarian intake, RCOA asks that the government look at the rapidly increasing displacement within Afghanistan, Australia's generous responses to past crises, the recent cuts to our refugee program, and the depth of our aid and military engagement with the country. Over 20 years, Australia deployed 39,000 defence personnel to Afghanistan at a cost of $10 billion and spent $1.9 billion on projects to support women’s empowerment, human rights, education, health and good governance. 

The brief also draws attention to the compelling need for Australia to remain engaged in resettlement of refugees from other regions, drawing on findings from UNHCR’s assessment of global resettlement needs.

Read more


Prior to COVID-19, close to 129 million children in the Asia and the Pacific region received school meals, primarily through government-led, national school feeding programmes. Due to COVID-19 school closures, many of these children stopped receiving on-site school meals. Although some countries introduced alternative solutions, school-age children are expected to have been negatively affected by this disruption. Against this backdrop, the World Food Programme (WFP) Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific (RBB) commissioned Oxford Policy Management to undertake a review of adaptations to on-site SF to inform policy making and programming in the context of the new reality. This research sought to answer the key research question by gathering data primarily from six countries in the region where WFP supports SF programmes in different capacities: Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Nepal, Philippines and Sri Lanka.

Read more

National Coronavirus Helpline – CaLD priority service
A priority service within the National Coronavirus Helpline has been established to ensure culturally and linguistically diverse people have access to relevant information and assistance with finding vaccine appointments. Helpline call agents can provide COVID-19 information and help callers book their vaccination appointment. Can send translated resources to callers after the call by SMS in their language. Culturally and linguistically diverse people seeking to access this service should contact Translating and Interpreting Services (TIS) National on 131 450 and ask to be connected to the National Coronavirus Helpline. You can reach the National Coronavirus Helpline on 1800 020 080.
Australian Red Cross teams connecting families

The Australian Red Cross program Find My Family: Restoring Family Links (RFL) assists with tracing family members and finding missing loved ones. If you have lost contact with family as a result of the crisis in Afghanistan, please call the Red Cross hotline on 1800 875 199 between 5 AM to 1 PM or email tracing@redcross.org.au If your family member has been detained in Afghanistan, Red Cross can collect an enquiry but given the current situation, it cannot be followed immediately. Unfortunately, the Restoring Family Links team cannot provide support on the ground for people at risk in Afghanistan and cannot register family or friends with whom you are currently in contact.
Get in touch 

IncludeAbility resource hub

The Australian Human Rights Commission has launched the IncludeAbility resource hub. This hub is designed to support employers who want to create meaningful employment opportunities for people with disability and people with disability seeking employment, developing a career or considering self-employment. The resource hub may be useful to you or your networks.

The resource hub:

  • hosts over 20 free resources (factsheets, guides and an eLearning module)
  • profiles of all of our IncludeAbility Employer Network members
  • profiles of all of our IncludeAbility Ambassadors.

Know more

Forced to Flee

To commemorate their 70th Anniversary, UNHCR launched Forced to Flee, a new podcast that aims to tell the extraordinary stories of people who lived through some of the most tumultuous events of the past 70 years. The first episode – “Escape” – has just been released and presents powerful narratives of the migrants. 

Visit the Forced to Flee microsite to listen to the episodes and/or subscribe to the series wherever you get your podcasts. 

Born into the Climate Crisis

Children’s lives and futures are under threat from the #ClimateCrisis. Children born in 2020 will face up to 7 times more scorching heat waves than their grandparents. To understand how the intergenerational impacts of climate change are infringing on children’s rights to life, education, and protection, Save the Children has partnered with an international team of leading climate researchers led by the Vrije Universiteit, Brussel to quantify the extent to which children will experience extreme weather events as a manifestation of climate change, the disparities between generations, and the widening inequality between high-income and low- and middle-income countries.

Read the report here

Surviving online learning

Online learning has been challenging for everyone. Young people are feeling exhausted and unmotivated, while parents are stressed and overwhelmed. To help both young people and their parents feel better about their situations, Reachout.com have put together these guides to help them manage their wellbeing.​

​Check out their guide for parents.

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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700


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