October eNews

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Welcome to MYAN's October eNews. MYAN has been active this month in all areas of our work from major policy submissions, attending national and international sector and advocacy events, planning for FUSE 2019 with a working group of young people and much more. On top of all that, we are excited to launch an important new publication to share with you in this month's edition! 

Read on to catch up on the latest national news and activities, news from young leaders, our recent work in national policy and international policy, updates in government and the media, fantastic opportunities for young people and the sector, and useful resources.

National News 

MYAN launches Not Just "Ticking a Box": Youth participation with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds
MYAN today launched an important new resource at the International Metropolis Conference in Sydney. Not Just "Ticking a Box": Youth participation with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds is a new publication which serves as a comprehensive guide for good practice in engaging and enhancing the participation of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. This resource aims to help organisations consider ways they can support and enable young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds to participate in decisions that affect them.Converging theory and practice, the resource includes a participation model outlining barriers, opportunities and ways to address barriers to the participation of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, examples of good practice through national and local case studies and a practical top tips and checklist section. 
FUSE 2019 - Get your applications in from 2 November! 
Applications for FUSE 2019 are just a few days away from opening THIS FRIDAY 2 November!

To join MYAN and other like-minded young leaders at FUSE 2019, network with public figures and decision makers and learn invaluable skills in leadership, advocacy and community organising, apply between 2 November 2018 and 6 January 2019. See below for details. 
What? FUSE will be a three day summit focused on building the leadership, advocacy and community organising skills of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.
Who? FUSE is targeted to young people who have some previous experience in leadership, advocacy and related activities, or who are looking for an opportunity to build these skills.

When? FUSE will be held in April 2019 in Melbourne.
How? Apply between 2 November 2018 and 6 January 2019, following the outlined instructions on www.myan.org.au/fuse-2019/. There are three kinds of applications you can send: Online, Written or Audio/Video Applications.

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News from young leaders 

Metropolis 2018

MYAN was excited to present a workshop at the International Metropolis Conference in Sydney this week. The workshop was titled “Listening to young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds: Youth voices on participation and empowerment”, and featured four of MYAN’s Youth Ambassadors sharing their personal journeys as well as insights into ways to support young people to take up opportunities in leadership and advocacy. The workshop included a Q&A session, allowing conference participants to “dig deeper” into the young people’s views and experiences, facilitated by Andrew Cummings from MYAN Australia and Hannah Lai from MYAN NSW. 

To catch up with other important discussion happening at the International Metropolis Conference this week, Settlement Services International are posting live footage from their Facebook page. You can also keep updated on MYAN's Twitter, and join the conversation. 

Pictured L-R: Narayan Khanal (NSW), Mariam Akoba (NSW), Hannah Lai (MYAN NSW), Sara Shengeb (WA) & Amiel Nub (QLD)

First national Youth Health Forum

Earlier this month two young people from WA, Hadi Rahimi who is a MYAN WA youth consultant and Rasa Islam, MYAN Youth Ambassador both attended the Consumers Health Forum focusing on youth health in Canberra. The aim of the forum was to identify the issues impacting on young people and generate recommendations to improve health system responses. Read more about the Youth Health Forum here

National Policy 

Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Education and Employment on the appropriateness and effectiveness of the objects, design, implementation and evaluation of job active

MYAN made a submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Education and Employment, highlighting the particular concerns of and recommendations from young people from refugee andmigrant backgrounds in Australia in relation to current employment services and proposed changes for the next generation.

Read MYAN's submission here

International Policy 

MYAN Chair Carmel Guerra joining XXXX in a Roundtable on Reception and Care Arrangements for Asylum-Seeking Children
MYAN joins UNHCR Roundtable in Bangkok 
MYAN was represented by Chair Carmel Guerra at the UNHCR Roundtable on Reception and Care Arrangements for Asylum-Seeking Children. Carmel also presented a workshop on good practice in youth settlement programs, demonstrating Australian examples and the work of MYAN and its partners. 
APCRR7 - Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network's 7th Asia Pacific Consultations

MYAN reccently participated in the Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network’s 7th Asia Pacific Consultations on Refugee Rights, advocating for youth issues and supporting young people to take on leadership positions. 
Refugee Women and Girls workshop

MYAN also participated in the first workshop of the ‘Refugee Women and Girls: Key to the Global Compact on Refugees’ project held in Bangkok. MYAN is one of the partners of the Australian component of the project, lead by UNSW and funded by DFAT. 

In the Media 

Concerning new Visa Cancellation powers 

MYAN is  concerned about the new Migration Amendment (Strengthening the Character Test) Bill 2018 presented to the Parliament last week, expanding the broad visa cancellation powers of the Government. The new visa-revoking legislation will apply to any person — including children — convicted of a ‘designated offence’, which may include crimes requiring a sentence of less than 12 months, as opposed to current legislation. MYAN is specifically concerned about the presentation of the Bill to and by the media as legislation targeting young people under 18 following a similar damaging political discourse in Victoria last year. MYAN will continue to work with partners in this field and in the Visa Cancellations Working Group to advocate alternative measures for young people within Australia’s youth justice system in line with demonstrated evidence on the transitionary nature of youth crime and successful practices of rehabilitation and reintegration into society. 

Read MYAN’s submission and supplementary submission to the ongoing inquiry related to visa cancellations.

Pressure mounting on Federal Government to focus on the plight of children in detention on Nauru

A recent YouGov Galaxy poll shows 79 per cent of Australians surveyed want children and families released from offshore detention. Australians want the government to accept an offer from New Zealand to resettle the detainees on Nauru, where around 50 children remain as of last week. Read more in SBS News here and The Guardian here
MYAN welcomes Mr Chin Tan, Race Discrimination Commissioner

MYAN welcomes the newly appointed Race Discrimination Commissioner, Chin Tan, who began his five year term at the Australian Human Rights Commission this month. MYAN looks forward to opportunities to continue working with the Australian Human Rights Commission on initiatives such as the National Youth Anti-Racism Leadership Initiative. 


The Young Achiever Awards

Do you know someone who deserves to be recognised? The Seven News Young Achiever Awards aim to acknowledge, encourage and most importantly promote the positive achievements of all young people throughout Australia up to and including 29 years of age. Different categories are open for nominations from different states and territories. Click here for more information. 

Save the date – Working with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds: Applying the National Youth Settlement Framework in mainstream services
Child Family Community Australia (CFCA) information exchange and MYAN Australia will be co-hosting this webinar to discuss recent developments with the National Youth Settlement Framework and how it can be applied in mainstream youth services. Subscribe to the CFCA newsletter to receive notification once registrations open. The webinar will be held on Wednesday 28 November 2018, 1:00–2:00pm AEDT. 

Grants for migrant community organisations

There is still time for organisations to apply for Fostering Integration Grants via an open process to apply to deliver services under the Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship Program. Applications close 9 November 2018. Find more information here
My Health Record – Opt out period ends in two weeks

This year all Australians with a Medicare Card will get a My Health Record unless they take steps to inform the Australian Digital Health Agency that they want to opt out.  
You can opt out of My Health Record before 15th November 2018 online, via the My Health Record website or by calling 1800 723 471 for  assistance. If you need assistance in a language other than English, you can call 131 450 and ask to be connected to the Australian Digital Health Agency to opt-out from My Health Record.
If you want to have a My Health Record, you can control who accesses your health information through following the steps here. Young people can take control of who accesses their record from the age of 14.
You can find information material on My Health Record translated to 17 languages here; watch a webinar by Australian Digital Health Agency and SCOA detailing the My Health Record here; or read special edition of FECCA’s Mosaic magazine, My Health Record: A Resource for CALD Australians.


Support for new parents on leave from work is a new Department of Human Services factsheet covering various aspects of Parental Leave Pay and Dad and Partner Pay including who can receive it, when you can get it, how you will receive it and work tests. The factsheet is available in Arabic, Assyrian, Chaldean, Chinese (Simplified), Greek, Karen, Korean, Persian (Farsi), Turkish and Vietnamese.
Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights (Scotland) published a resource in partnership with Intercultural Iceland titled I'm Not a Racist, But... which aims to reach adult learners who are resistant to anti-discrimination training by providing support and strategies to trainers who may tend to avoid or ignore this group. The project believes that reaching these individuals with innovative, cooperative, and 'no blame' methodologies will lead to improvements in social and employment relations, offering an extension to the forms of training and education currently available.
CREATE Foundation has released a Youth Justice Report following consultations with young people in out-of-home care (OOHC) about their experiences with police, courts and detention. The report includes key recommendations including the need for the justice system to adopt a trauma-informed approach when dealing with young people in OOHC. 
A recent report by AMES Australia and Deloitte on Economic and social impact of the Karen resettlement in Bendigo details the contributions of second generation young humanitarian migrants from Karen community in a regional setting. The report shows young Karens have aspirations to study and to find ‘good’ jobs, and demonstrate high levels of participation in the community, education and workplaces.

The Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) provides enrolment and voting information and resources for CALD communities. This webpage includes links to the All About Voting kit, under Resources, which promotes active citizenship and democratic participation amongst CALD communities in local, state and federal elections. Developed in partnership with AMES, it is suitable for the newly arrived to learn about the Australian political system and how to engage with it. 

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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700


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