October eNews

E-NEWSLETTER Multicultural youth advocacy network (Australia) 
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Welcome to October eNews

2017 National Conference
Don't miss out! Buy your ticket now

Fast approaching is the 2017 MYAN National Conference Young people in a multicultural world: Rethinking a new policy and practice agenda on 23 & 24 November. The Conference will showcase a dynamic line-up of national and international guests, offering experienced and expert views on key conference themes. We all can hardly wait! Stay tuned for exciting updates.

Visit the MYAN website for more information including the Conference program and details of speakers and moderators.
Register Here

MY Australia Youth Census

The MY Australia multicultural youth census is the first national study seeking to understand more about the needs, values and future aspirations of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds in Australia aged between 15 and 25 years. The census is an online survey that takes 20 minutes to complete.

Help us reach our target of surveying 10,000 multicultural young people across Australia! 
Download and share the flyer HERE
EMAIL US for a Survey Information Pack or
Use the buttons below to SHARE THE SURVEY with your networks!

Congratulations Zee!

Zee Sultani, YAN member from WA, travelled to Goa in January for the 2nd International Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) Festival, organised by Peter Kenyon, Director of Bank of I.D.E.A.S.

Zee was honoured to be a youth panel member, sharing what she does in her community, discussing how young people can do more in the ABCD space and answering questions from audience members on how community development workers can improve engagement and involvement of young people.

Zee said attending the festival was extremely rewarding. “The most amazing part of this festival was the fact that it was very multicultural. I learned so much and got to meet some of the most inspirational people out there.”

State and Territory News

MYAN WA in talks with Minister
Catalyst Youth Summit Outcomes
Members from the MYAN WA team along with Catalyst youth delegates recently met with Minister McGurk MLA, Minister for Child Protection, Women's Interests, Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence and Community Services. They discussed the outcomes of the Catalyst Youth Summit - an important opportunity for young people to share possible initiatives directly with the Minister.

National Youth Settlement Framework (NYSF) Training
MYAN WA is offering another round of NYSF training and Alex Long - Executive Officer of MYAN NSW is heading over to co-present. Understanding and Implementing the National Youth Settlement Framework will be held on 7th & 8th December. Buy your tickets here 
MYQ working hard with Workshops & Webinars

It has been a busy month for the MYQ team in Queensland! MYAN Australia recently facilitated a workshop with MYQ on applying the National Youth Settlement Framework in practice using the NYSF Assessment Guides. The Guides generated vibrant discussion about practice and participants commented on the value of the NYSF as a practice tool that "helps reflect on what we are doing well and where we can make improvements. The focus on young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds means it speaks directly to our work."

MYQ were very excited to hold the first MYQ Webinar- engaging with services across QLD. Highlighting potential plans for a multicultural youth forum, the MyAus Youth Survey and policy issues impacting young people in Queensland, MYQ hopes that this will be the first in a range of activities to engage the sector across QLD in issues for young people fro refugee and migrant backgrounds. 
MYAN TAS establishes Youth Advisory Group
The Youth Advisory Group to the MYAN TAS held their first meeting/training event for 2017 this week. Young people explored issues they are passionate about and set the direction and focus of the group for the next six months. The young people were selected through an application process and showed outstanding passion and talent for advocacy. MYAN TAS looks forward to working and learning together over the next 18 months. 
MYAN NSW youth making waves!

Welcome to MYAN NSW's 40 new Youth Ambassadors. The YAN have been busy designing workshops for Bankstown's newly arrived refugee students and MYAN will be hiring three youth ambassadors as peer facilitators for these workshops. Youth Ambassadors have been engaged in a range of other fantastic opportunities including; interviewed by Stan Grant on ABC about the impact of smartphones on mental health, attending Tedx@youth, joining the Advocate for Children and Young People's first Youth Parliament, promoting the Multicultural Youth Survey in schools, participating in a research project, organising a community screening of The Staging Post (and meeting filmmaker Muzafar Ali) and attending training with the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre. What a repertoire! 


Children and the Global Compacts

MYAN is part of a coalition of NGOs calling on the Australian Government to lead the way in protecting child refugees and migrants, aimed at the discussions of two ground-breaking compacts at the United Nations General Assembly - the Global Compact on Migration and the Global Compact on Refugees. 

The policy brief outlines key recommendations made by Australian members of the Initiative for Child Rights in the Global Compacts – including MYAN Australia, Save the Children, UNICEF Australia, World Vision, International Detention Coalition, and ISS Australia. 

Desk Review of Programming Guidelines for Adolescents & Youth in Emergencies: Education, Health, Livelihoods & Durable Solutions

A collaboration between MYAN Australia, the RET International, INEE and NRC have made a Contribution to the Compact for Young People in Humanitarian Action to strengthen a focus on youth and adolescents in programming. Read the Desk Review.

Journal of Applied Youth Studies: September 2017

Read an article from the September edition of The Journal of Applied Youth Studies exploring the role of civil society in supporting the settlement of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds in Australia. Written by Nadine Liddy, MYAN Australia National Coordinator, the article emphasises the importance of a targeted approach, focusing on the NYSF.
Walk Together For Freedom 
On Saturday 21 October, thousands of people will unite across Australia to celebrate a country where all people belong, no matter where they come from – an Australia where people are free to hope and dream of a bright future, as indefinite detention is brought to an end. Show support, get involved and attend a walk in your state.


CMY Victorian Education System interactive tool

CMY has developed an interactive module for newly arrived young people and their families that explores the various levels of the Victorian Education System. This information is translated into Arabic, Somali, Chinese, Vietnamese, Dari, Assyrian, Chin Hakha, Chin Zomi, Hazaragi, Nuer, Dinka, Farsi and Karen.

Youth on the move: Investigating decision-making, migration trajectories and expectations of young people on the way to Italy

An interesting new study by Mixed Migration Hub investigates what motivates young people to migrate from Africa to Italy, their preparedness for the journey, what influences the chosen routes and destinations and their expectations of their journey and arrival in Europe. 
Young People and Extremism

The British Council and Salto-Youth Cultural Diversity Resource Centre have published a resource pack for youth workers, aiming to increase their understanding of the complex issues surrounding young people, extremism and radicalisation. The resource focuses on how youth work practice can respond to the risk of young people becoming involved in extremism.
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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700


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