Online art contest for kids (5-15) (copy 01)

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Theme : "Vaccines are important because....?"

Are you or young kids in your surrounding have innovative and creative ideas for a better future? Can they/you advocate for immunity/vaccines and a better planet through creative practice? 

Young kids are agents of change, often taking the lead in responding to societal challenges. On the occasion of World Art Day on 16th April 2022 and World Immunisation Week from 24th to 30th April 2022, MYAN supported by Australian Department of Health is calling on young kids Australia-wide, to share their unique perspectives and creative ideas on the theme:

"Vaccines are important because....?"

The Online Art Contest is for kids aged 5 to 15. The aim here is to highlight the collective action needed to promote the use of vaccines to protect people of all ages against disease through art. 

Open to painting, drawing, photography, digital media, design and more, the art contest has several categories and a prize pool over $1000.

The exhibition of finalist works will be displayed virtually on MYAN website and other social media sites on Immunization week in April 2022. Winners to be awarded by the external judging panel of leading creative youth members from MYAN.

For more details email MYAN's Communication and Engagement Officer Ali Saha

Key dates

- Entries open 10 am, 1st April
- Entries close 11:55 pm, 15th April 2022
- All the artworks will be exhibited on MYAN social media and website.
- Exhibition of the art work online- 24-30th April 2022

How to submit

Step 1: Create an artwork that aligns with the theme Vaccines are important because....?
Step 2: Click on the link below to submit your artwork

Submit your artwork now
Categories and prizes

The prizes will be shared across the following categories, as well as the People’s Choice Awards.
  • Category A: Age 5-8
  • Category B: Age 9-11
  • Category C: Age 12-15
Everyone will receive participant certificates.
The first 3 winners in each category will receive award certificates and exciting prizes!
Past artworks submitted to MYAN's Creative Contest

We congratulate our past winners and thank them for the outstanding entries they have submitted.

So what are you waiting for?

Submit your stories now! 
Spread the word with your friends and colleagues!
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