Post-Conference Thankyou (copy 01)

E-NEWSLETTER Multicultural youth advocacy network (Australia) 
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The 2017 MYAN National Conference was a flying success! MYAN would like to extend a big THANK YOU to everyone who participated, presented and volunteered at the 2017 MYAN National Conference and made it such an engaging and dynamic ​two days.

A conference report will be released in early 2018 and MYAN will also be putting together a policy agenda based on conference outcomes.  

In the meantime, check out our Storify feed covering conference highlights and read the Bright Futures report and its key points by Data 61, commissioned by MYAN and VicHealth. 

MYAN wishes all a happy and safe festive season and looks forward to an exciting 2018.
See a snapshot of MYAN's work from 2007-2017 
In case you missed it - watch a segment of MYAN's new short film series promoting the voices of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, produced with filmmaker Dr David Corlett.

Stay tuned for the 2018 MYAN training schedule where the full series will be used to build the skills and knowledge of those working with young people who are settling in Australia.
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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700

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