Promo #1 NatCon (version 2)

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Young people in a multicultural world:

Rethinking a new policy and practice agenda

23 – 24 November
University of Melbourne
Melbourne, Australia

With a program full of dynamic speakers from Australia, New Zealand and Europe and the launch of the CSIROData21 megatrends research.

Hosted by
MYAN Australia in partnership with the University of Melbourne.

Don’t miss your chance to be part of it!

Meet some of the presenters
Dr Alexandra Leipold will be joining us all the way from Europe to share how Germany is strengthening engagement in education and employment for young migrants and refugees. 
Professor Fethi Mansouri will bring a local to global perspective on human rights, global citizenship and the place of young people.  
Anya Satyanand, Executive Officer of Ara Taiohi, New Zealand’s youth peak body, will be talking about superdiversity and building on young people’s cultural capabilities.
Apajok Biar, MYAN Youth Ambassador, will share her thoughts on youth advocacy in Australia and with UNHCR Geneva.
Rod Glover will be sharing a global perspective on large-scale technological innovation in education and training.

Megan Mitchell, Australia’s first National Children’s Commissioner. Her role focuses solely on the rights and interests of children, and the laws, policies and programs that impact on them.

Find out more about the conference at the MYAN website
and follow us on Twitter for updates.

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