REMINDER: Applications for the Youth Ambassadors Network

ANNOUNCEMENT Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia) 
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Seeking young, energetic leaders to promote diverse young voices on the national stage

Are you looking for a challenge?
Are you excited about working with other young people across Australia to create change? 
Are you interested in amplifying the voices of refugee and migrant youth?
Do you see yourself as a leader, an advocate and a team player?

If so, then the MYAN Australia Youth Ambassadors Network (YAN) is for you. 

Apply to become a member today!

Fill out this application and email it to before May 17, 2017.

A word from the Youth Ambassadors 

The YAN have achieved many things since they first formed in December 2015, including:
  • co-facilitating national consultations 
  • supporting a national youth summit, and
  • taking up international and national leadership opportunities.  
“In addition to learning many skills, I have become part of a movement by young people who want to see the world change for the better. I feel like I am making a positive impact on the present and the future.” 

“Being a member of the YAN has opened so many doors! I have learned new skills and taken up heaps of new and exciting opportunities – many that I NEVER thought I would experience in my life.”

“It is wonderful to be able to live in a regional area, yet still be able to  contribute as WA's representative on the YAN to the MYAN!”

Founding members of the MYAN Australia Youth Ambassadors Network (L-R): Mohammed Omar Maroof (ACT), Sarah Yahya (NSW), Ajer Alier (Atima) Deng (SA), Yai (TAS), Ziagul Sultani (WA), Celia Bich Tran (VIC), Paul Joseph (QLD).
“Being a Youth Ambassador with MYAN has encouraged me to harness my talents, passion, and energy. I have loved engaging directly with young people about the issues that matter to them and taking part in decision making at state, national and international levels on issues affecting young people.”

More about the YAN
Members of the MYAN Youth Ambassadors Network (the YAN) are active advocates and actors working together to influence the national agenda for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. 

Established in late 2015, the YAN has up to 8 members (1 representative from each state and territory) from diverse faith, gender, age, linguistic, ethnic, migrant, and educational backgrounds.

The YAN meet every second month via teleconference and, where possible, annually in person. The commitment to the YAN is for two years, with the first six months and last six months a period of transition and handover between existing and incoming members.  

The core function of the YAN is to provide the perspective of young refugee and migrant Australians on topics and issues of national significance. With the support of MYAN Australia, YAN members take part in a range of advocacy activities in both national and state/territory forums. They also work on practical activities within their state or territory that aim to amplify the voices of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. 

For full details and selection criteria download the Application Form here.

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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700

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