Reminder: MYAN National Teleconference AMEP for Young People (copy 01)

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How can the AMEP better meet the needs of the young people?

We want to hear from you!
Reminder: MYAN National Teleconference
You are invited to contribute your suggestions about how the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) can be more responsive to young people. 

MYAN is hosting a national consultation to hear directly from AMEP providers and others in the settlement and education sector, about AMEP delivery to young people aged 15-24 years.  The teleconference is being held on Tuesday, 25th February  at 1.30pm (AEST).

MYAN has developed this discussion paper, which highlights key points about young people and the AMEP. Information from the consultation will be incorporated into this paper  and released in the coming months, including with the Department of Home Affairs.

Information about the teleconference:

Outcomes from both the Evaluation of the AMEP New Business Model (2018) and the Review into integration, employment and settlement outcomes for refugees and humanitarian migrants to Australia (2019) indicate there is a need for further analysis about how to improve the AMEP program for specific groups, including young people.

MYAN's national consultation will complement this work and other more recent conversations, exploring ways that the AMEP can be more responsive to young people: what more could be done to address constraints and build on good practice?

English language acquisition is critical  for successful settlement and particularly important for young people who will spend the majority of their lives in Australia. MYAN's National Youth Settlement Framework identifies English language skills and education as  key indicators of Active Citizenship- essential foundations for social, economic and civic participation.

We welcome your valuable input and look forward to continuing our engagement with the sector in this important work.

Please RSVP with your name and organisation to:

Teleconference Details
When: Tuesday 25th Feb, 2020
Time: 1.30pm-3.00pm AEST

Where: Teleconference
Dial-in Details:
Join by phone
    Conference ID: 35894

1. Welcome and apologies
2. What are the gaps?
3. What more could be done? (to address gaps and build on good practice)

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