Revised Data Snapshot on Youth Arrivals 2019-20

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Data Snapshot on Youth Arrivals 2019-20

You will have received a Data Snapshot on Youth Arrivals 2019-20 in our latest November eNews. A correction has been made and the snapshot has been amended slightly. Please see the updated version below, and use this link to access the data snapshot for 2019-20.

The MYAN team.

MYAN has developed a national snapshot on youth arrivals aged 12-24 from family, skilled and humanitarian programme streams, using the latest data from the Department of Home Affairs. The snapshot includes information on a range of demographic data, including age, gender, religion, language and settlement location. Key points from the snapshot include:
  • As a result of the Australian Governments COVID-19 response, the number of refu­gees resettled to Australia decreased in 2019-2020 due to a suspension on the granting of offshore Humanitarian visas.
  • Young people aged 12-24 continue to represent a significant percentage of humanitarian entrants to Australia-in 2019-20, young people aged 12-24 made up 29.5% of this group.
  • 49% of young humanitarian entrants were of high-school age (12-17).
  • Iraq, Democratic Republic of Congo, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, and Myanmar were the top five countries of birth for young people arriving under the Humanitarian Program in 2019-20.
  • Young people aged 12-24 arriving under the family stream made up 43% of all youth arrivals to Australia.
  • New South Wales and Victoria continue to settle the largest numbers of young people- 61% of young people from all the migration streams in 2019-20.
Data Snapshot
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