RSVP and Meet the Panel – National Education Panel event

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RSVP for the National Education Panel
MYAN is hosting a national meeting to put a spotlight on education for students from refugee and migrant backgrounds.
The panel will explore how educational challenges are being addressed across Australia in policy and programming, both in and outside the classroom, which will be followed by audience Q & A. The information from this event will inform the ongoing policy work of the National Education Roundtable led by MYAN and Foundation House.
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Meet the Panel

Julie Sonnemann
Program Director of School Education
Grattan Institute

Julie is lead author of Grattan's recent report, Covid-19: helping disadvantaged students close the equity gap. Julie has significant experience in education policy and system design, and is a trained economist with experience in government, research and consulting.
Dr Sue Creagh
Lecturer in School of Education
University of Queensland

Sue lectures in undergraduate and postgraduate education programs, in the areas of Multilingualism in Education, TESOL Curriculum and Pedagogy, and Literacies Within and Across the Curriculum. Sue’s current research is both policy and pedagogy focused in the field of EAL/D. Sue was an ESL teacher for many years and has a broad range of teaching experiences, including with migrant and refugee youth.
Hala Ramadan
Belmore Boys' High School

Hala Ramadan is the Principal of Belmore Boys High School, a school that is referred to as a  family of approximately 450 students and 55 staff. The diverse student population represents 36 languages with 98% of students coming from language backgrounds other than English. Belmore is a boys' education specialist focusing on the academic, social and emotional growth of students. There is a strong belief at the school that it takes a village to raise a child, hence staff feed the hearts, minds and bodies of young men. As a migrant herself, Hala understands the importance of creating an inclusive school community by working closely with local partners and service providers to ensure success for every student. 
Melanie Cutler
MY Education Team Leader
Centre for Multicultural Youth

Melanie manages two key programs (Refugee Education Support Program and Learning Beyond the Bell) that aim to build the capacity of the education sector in Victoria to better support and engage students and families from migrant and refugee backgrounds. Prior to joining CMY she was a secondary classroom teacher and spent time working on community-led literacy programs with the Department of Education in the Philippines.

Briefing Paper

The National Education Steering Group has prepared a Briefing Paper to accompany the national meeting.
This Brief has been prepared to provide an overview of the barriers to equitable access and engagement in primary and secondary education experienced by students from refugee and migrant backgrounds in Australia, and outlines how COVID-19 has highlighted and/or exacerbated these barriers. It provides a point in time identification of educational issues faced by students, families, and educators/ schools that limits the full participation of children and young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds, as well as new issues and those that have been exacerbated as a result of COVID-19. 
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We look forward to connecting with you soon!

The MYAN team
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