RSVP: National Youth Panel on COVID-19

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You are invited!
MYAN is excited to invite you to our National Youth Panel led by young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds exploring the new normal during and beyond COVID-19.
RSVP for the Youth Panel
Through our work with the sector and young people, we know how critical it is to listen and learn from young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds on issues that are directly affecting them.

This Youth Panel is an important opportunity to hear directly from young people about the challenges and solutions to COVID-19 in a discussion focused on:
Education | Employment | Mental Health
This will be an interactive event with ample opportunity for Q&A with the panellists.

Date and time:

Tuesday 21 July
11.00 AM - 12.45 PM AEST

Youth Panel:
Harpreet Dhillon | NSW
Butrus Haider | QLD
Swathi Shanmukhsundaram | VIC
Zahra Al Hilaly | WA
Mehak Sheikh | VIC (Moderator)
RSVP for the Youth Panel
We look forward to connecting with you on Tuesday, 21 July 11.00 am - 12.45 pm AEST

The MYAN team - Nadine, Shannon, Mehak and Andrew
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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700

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